Epic Perfect World


Offline BeNicePlease

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Sorry for spamming vids, but I like this one a lot personally.
Hang☆Over | Xpendables | Worms
You'll get to see how there's always someone attacking you in Mass PK xD
Good Game everyone

If you watch it, please make an effort to watch full screen and turn the sound up :)

PS: song choice is a tribute to the Defqon 1 festival taking place right now ! in Australia.
With I was there but i'm listening to the live cast all weekend <3

Offline ℬʋttɦҿαɗ

  • Hang☆Over
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pitsid, saun, jupid, triibud
kingikotis katkine viiul


Offline BamBam

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HO and all your damn archers >.>

Good vid though, I like watching these so keep posting.

Offline BeNicePlease

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HO and all your damn archers >.>

Good vid though, I like watching these so keep posting.

Ty, always nice to hear

Offline ahed

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fml pk started to be retarded

archers .. archers everywhere

soon i will just log on epw for 1vs1 & GM events lol


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nice vid, nid invite in HO  :normal-46:

Offline Anima

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I can not say i am a fan of air pk where 10000 archers hit 1 target and if they are hit they fly till the end of the map, but i think this is the future in term of pk on this server and we must adapt. Nice vid btw and nice archer gameplay.

Offline BamBam

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I can not say i am a fan of air pk where 10000 archers hit 1 target and if they are hit they fly till the end of the map, but i think this is the future in term of pk on this server and we must adapt. Nice vid btw and nice archer gameplay.
I don't know if I would say it's the future of pk on this server, HO just has an insane amount of archers. Not all factions are like that, and I wouldn't say they are better in mass pk than any other fac that mass pk's actively. They win some and lose some just like everybody else.

Offline Sir.Kico

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DarKico :)

Offline Anima

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You do not see the point, every day i see more and more archers in pk, 60% archers and 40% the rest of the classes, if you are pking a lot you already know that, and yes HO are not invincible in air pk but be sure they are hard to beat, ofc this is only my opinion anyway

Offline BamBam

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You do not see the point, every day i see more and more archers in pk, 60% archers and 40% the rest of the classes, if you are pking a lot you already know that, and yes HO are not invincible in air pk but be sure they are hard to beat, ofc this is only my opinion anyway
I do pk actively but I cant say that I see 60% archers pk'ing except for HO, maybe timezone difference? Idk I don't really wanna start a pointless debate on a video thread. So lets just agree to disagree, okay? :)

Offline Feone

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I do pk actively but I cant say that I see 60% archers pk'ing except for HO, maybe timezone difference? Idk I don't really wanna start a pointless debate on a video thread. So lets just agree to disagree, okay? :)

Varies per guild. 

Axegroup and hangover mostly depend on EA's.  Worms has always been very strong on their healers and Xpendable/Outcast usually has a strong set of blademasters. NoHomo used to have a ton of psy's but last I saw they went EA also, havn't checked recently though.

EA's are just very effective in the "get full buffs and gank everything then run to sz" tactics.  They hit hard, easy to use & are fast, more and more of them every day.

Offline BeNicePlease

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Varies per guild. 

Axegroup and hangover mostly depend on EA's.  Worms has always been very strong on their healers and Xpendable/Outcast usually has a strong set of blademasters. NoHomo used to have a ton of psy's but last I saw they went EA also, havn't checked recently though.

EA's are just very effective in the "get full buffs and gank everything then run to sz" tactics.  They hit hard, easy to use & are fast, more and more of them every day.

It's true that each guild has their own "thing"
HO been EA clan since 5 servers ago. All wb and wrs always in the opposing guild which has been most of
Xpendables members since 5 servers ago. Their thing is WRs at pt leader
Then you get AG, they just all 3 spark. Oh their EPs DD

Offline Consist

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Your taste in music is absolutely awful. But I like country, so, my opinion doesn't really count.
Also, you should blur the text a bit more.