Epic Perfect World

When the server is about to shutdown...


ok lol i dont know if its just me, but has anyone ever acted like the world was ending when the server is at the

180 seconds remianing
120 seconds remaining
100 seconds remaining... etc

lol i think ive seen WC act up sometimes. its just an observation tho  ;)

Offline Consist

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People spam WC on the 10 second mark.

Offline C

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People spam WC regardless...

Offline BeNicePlease

  • Forum Veteran
  • How is life this easy?
yolo swag server going down. First chance in weeks to get shower?

Offline Nipple♥

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  • Just don't.
  • I'm the one and only.
Everyone spams fck the gms and shit on 3 seconds hoping they dont see and ban :normal-2:


I just notice a lot of people saying "No wait, I'm in [insert dungeon here]!" To which I usually reply "Oh well, you were given plenty of advanced notice." This usually happens on official, but I'm sure people do it here too.

Offline Balnazar

  • Godfather of Worms
  • I be back m8
  • Characters: Balnazar
  • Faction: Worms
ok lol i dont know if its just me, but has anyone ever acted like the world was ending when the server is at the

180 seconds remianing
120 seconds remaining
100 seconds remaining... etc

lol i think ive seen WC act up sometimes. its just an observation tho  ;)
Lmao, yea it does! It seems as if a timer ticking down till the end of the world. I still remember quickly completing and closing what-so-ever I was doing in the official server.
And the amount of WC spamming specially at that time! Oh gawd! :|
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?