Epic Perfect World

Daily Epic 29 May 2013

Offline Tjeumans

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15 Minutes of fame.
We at the Daily Epic bow our heads. Yesterday, our agony aunt Abby received a question from a player who called him/herself 'Random' to ask why a certain R. was talking to him in WC all the time. Apparently, two people thought they were the one Random was referring to and seemed to take 'their' appearance in the Daily as a sign to be extremely arrogant in WC. We are very sorry that this happened, however, we cannot control people's common sense, decency or behaviour, just report it. We would advice the GM's to not EVER hold a contest who has the biggest ego on the server, because it is going to explode with the over-inflated self-esteem of these two.

Happy birthday, but where is the cake?
We had 2 birthdays yesterday: Elllieee's and Shinigami's and although many players and GM's wished them happy birthday, there was no sign of any party or birthday cake. Come on you two, surely you can do better than that!We realize that having to celebrate your birthday in an online game is eh, somewhat sad and nerdy but no reason not to throw the party of the year.

Nomen est omen?
A new faction is born. Nothing special there, it happens every day and most are gone even faster than they come into being. This particular faction has the name SoA. We wondered what the abbreviation stood for but none of the members could enlighten us. So we did some Googling and found that it originates in Holland, where SOA means STD, sexually transmitted disease. That, coupled to the recruitment shouts that they have 'sexy chat' makes us wonder if the GM's should provide this particular faction with condoms instead of badges of bravery in case they ever win a land in TW.

What the hell is the Daily on about now, you may wonder. Another abbreviation? Yes. And it is up to you to decide what it stands for. Today in WC, Jamito wondered if he was the only PK-holic on the server. We at the Daily we wondering if he wasn't a bit confused and meant Porn-aholic, but that is just judging on his shouts about that particular subject. So up to you: does PA in this case mean PK-ers Anonymous or Pornaholics Anonymous?

Home improvement.
The one and only ibi, who we thought was married happily now as we had not seen any shouts for a 'wifey' for some days, asked today in WC for a 'better wife'. So yes, he was married but apparently looking for improvement. Let us just say this about it: people get what they deserve. Good luck to ibi and one hint from us: the book (yes, heap of printed paper in a cover) 'Relationship Rescue' by Dr. Phil is found for a few dollars in almost every bookshop.

Superheroes and marriage.
A lot of marriage proposals in WC, on a daily basis even, to our GM's. It made us wonder why people would want to marry a GM. Not that we think they are not loveable enough, far from it, but we think being married to a GM is like being married to Superman: you are just about to make out and wham: shout in WC: I need a GM to pm me urgently. And off they go, to rescue a stuck player, reset an instance, roll back the server. The precious romantic mood gone. And you do not even get 'Mr. GM' or 'Mrs. GM' above your head, so what is the big deal? We know power is attractive, but wonder if the pros outweigh the cons.

To our great disappointment, we received no personal ads, while the shouts for wives and husbands in WC just kept going. Be wise, join the Daily's Lonely Hearts Club and put your personal ad for a partner in the Daily so you can find your perfect match!

Our dear Abby received a lot of questions and will answer most of them personally, she promised to give us an anonimous one tomorrow when she had answered most pm's.

Then our daily mention of sirMittens: he got married yesterday. Again. We wish him a peaceful divorce.

And not today:
claims to be god (or we missed it, again)
extreme language mistakes
still no sexy men/women who want to be on our page 3. Come on you all, you can do it!


Awesome read.   We should set up a bachelors club for the likes of Ibi  :monkey-47:

LOL @ the superheroes and Marriage  -  makes me think of Clark Kent and Lana Lane's Big Bang in Smallville

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What the hell is the Daily on about now, you may wonder. Another abbreviation? Yes. And it is up to you to decide what it stands for. Today in WC, Jamito wondered if he was the only PK-holic on the server. We at the Daily we wondering if he wasn't a bit confused and meant Porn-aholic, but that is just judging on his shouts about that particular subject. So up to you: does PA in this case mean PK-ers Anonymous or Pornaholics Anonymous?

The 2nd choice.