Epic Perfect World

my veno kinda strong with LA i want HA D:

Offline Tavern

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So you changed out 3 pieces of AA to LA and switched phys def neck to magic defence neck?
 All you did was make your magic attack and defence worse, while gaining ~5k hp.

Also how do people still play on ~1kx800 resolution?




Offline Alli

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Tali u still play we need to see each other :P

Offline Feone

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Because having bad defense & low channel is a great idea!

Offline SaltySupreme

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Bearing in mind that I am missing three shards on my cape this is pretty good IMO.
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline Feone

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Hmm, a pure str HA veno at 150 in foxform should have about 60k pdef. Very nice to troll sins but just about any mage will 3-4 shot you.  Don't forget to stat about 300 dex if you want to actually go melee build, else you will miss constantly. Alternatively, stat a ton of magic along with loads of str (no dex/vit) if you don't care about dealing any damage and just want defenses.

Offline SaltySupreme

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Hmm, a pure str HA veno at 150 in foxform should have about 60k pdef. Very nice to troll sins but just about any mage will 3-4 shot you.  Don't forget to stat about 300 dex if you want to actually go melee build, else you will miss constantly. Alternatively, stat a ton of magic along with loads of str (no dex/vit) if you don't care about dealing any damage and just want defenses.

Thank you for the suggestion. :3

I'm not sure if this will be any good but it doesn't kill me to try it. I am going to restat. I'm using vit shards for most of my defense. Every three levels I add 5str 5dex 5mag after I meet my armor/wea requirements.
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline Feone

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It's quite a fun build, very, very different from any other class the game has but i'd recommend staying away from mass pk. It's very vulnerable to magic, 1 person you can use your arcane skills to controll a bit etc but if theres more than 1 source of magicattacks around.. you're screwed.

The build I used was about 300 dex and everything else into str (mag only to wear the HA pataka). More magic should mean more mdef but also lower damage.

I used uhm.. dragon HA gear (with 2 pieces of -magic taken r8r arcane for variation in case of magic hits, r8r doesnt require stats.) Full vit shards is always the best idea.  ]

I have a set of those old veno rings, though lvl 140 ones unfortunately, that refine to mdef but give accuracy & phys attack for regular use with dragon might rings when fighting HA & dragon mag rings when fighting AA.  Arcane ornaments are a must though if you 1v1 a sin you can switch to pure physical and have enormous pdef.

On your genie make sure you have occult ice, you'll need it for any sort of PVP since you have almost no stun as an HA veno.   If you can efford it, bring a purify spell r8r pataka as well. The HA dragon pataka is by far the best for regular use though.

Overall it's a very fun build to play with but it's too weak to be of real mass pvp use etc, just too easily killed by magic / not enough ability to kill. Statting more magic might do a lot to fix the mdef though, but your dmg will go down.


Because having bad defense & low channel is a great idea!


Offline Alli

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uh im to lazy to read that

Offline Maok

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for you: tl;dr: here you have a bunch of tips to screw up your veno, gl with it.

Offline Consist

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I think HA psychics with white voodoo are the funnest. Takes 8+ sins to kill one. LOL