Epic Perfect World

TW Outcasts☆(atk) vs. Ducks(def) 2013.05.25

Offline Balnazar

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Good vid! And nice job! :)
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Ivan

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Thanks for making the vid Gergo \o/ and thanks for the fun tw guys, see you tonight  ;)

Offline takkigergo

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Thank you guys for the comments :3. I think about it to upload this video, but i did it.
Thank you guys for the tips ingame or here on the forum. Nesz and Me working on our stuffs but it's time (a lot of time) :D.
Yes you can smell sportsmanship cuz we trying to be fair. :)

I can't make a video from tonight cuz I'll go with Nesz to party \o/.

Thank you guys again and We will drink to Ducks :3. Have fun tonight guys ^^.


wow @ 07:56 dat 82k.
Get Solid Shell for genie, remove Alpha Male and Wind force, its kinda useless. You can get faith and windshield instead of it.
Anyway 2 pieces of advice:
Don't get soul of retaliation cast on you again, it needs mana to work, and when you get spammed with 4239874 attacks you run out of mana really quickly and you cant cast some skills. The reflects suck anyway.
You might wanna just pass through the towers instead of destroying them... unless you know that the TW will last long (ducks alone can't beat OC [which merged with Shrooms and whatever else to get around 80 members for TW] so its obviously not gonna last more than 30min)


I really admire you Gergő, we lost TW and yet you still post a video of it, still proud of your Ducklings. <3 I have to say not many factions would admit it so much to even post a video of it. Only if they win, lol.
Thanks for recordiing nub. <3 And GF OC, see you tonight.  ^-^

Offline Benji

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Nicely done gergo ^^
Ty for TW OC

Offline Anima

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nice vid and gf Ducks
btw we are barely 48-50 max for tw not 80 lol

Offline Ɗҽʂιɠɳҽɾ

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Gf ,ducks - wish both both good luck :D

Offline DragonStick

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GF Ducks, its nice to see a TW Thread with no trash talking. See Yah on tonight's TW! GJ OC <3

                                   “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”

Offline Feone

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GF Ducks, its nice to see a TW Thread with no trash talking.

That's how Ducks roll!

Should be another fun TW tonight  :smiley:

Offline takkigergo

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wow @ 07:56 dat 82k.
Get Solid Shell for genie, remove Alpha Male and Wind force, its kinda useless. You can get faith and windshield instead of it.
Anyway 2 pieces of advice:
Don't get soul of retaliation cast on you again, it needs mana to work, and when you get spammed with 4239874 attacks you run out of mana really quickly and you cant cast some skills. The reflects suck anyway.
You might wanna just pass through the towers instead of destroying them... unless you know that the TW will last long (ducks alone can't beat OC [which merged with Shrooms and whatever else to get around 80 members for TW] so its obviously not gonna last more than 30min)

The soul of retaliation was a wrong skill. This isn't my char so I just learning how to work it. I searched a good genie but I thougt that genie was a good genie.. xD
Well it isn't. Today GGB say wich Genie needs me. Nesztratosz has 3 Genie.
I'm from PWI and on PWI the towers have a negative effect +dmg. I thought the tower makes the same effect here.
Again It's not my char, so don't judge me :<

Offline Sleep

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i smell sportsmanship and a lot of Class  :smiley:

I haven't seen a thread like this since..never. I've never seen a quality TW thread.

And I'm glad you all have fun.  ^-^
I was beginning to think all players were starting to take TW too seriously.  :-[

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:


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Offline zFlashx

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Offline PissFart

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Lol, didnt even knew this thread existed, was an awesome TW with good enemies, Ducks is a good organized guild which gave us alot of fun in TWs, respect