Epic Perfect World

Events not fair

Offline Vookie

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Hey all
This is QQ thread. What is it about? Its about the way players are registering for events. I am talking about rule 'the first PM wins'. It applies to all(or at least most) pvp events and others too. I am not mentioning trivia questions ofc, ijs, this is fine. So yeah. Would be nice if GMs could find another way to make events just to let it be fair for everyone cuz not all players have super fast internet connection, some might get lag, even dc, or maybe are just slow writers, ty.
new account: CookieVookie

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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if you disconnect why would you register for an Event?  :rolleyes:

anyway this is not the only way we use for PvP Events. This is used for small scale Events such as 10 teams 2vs2 or max i did was 12 Teams.
theres another PvP Event we do (actually not for some time but i will try to host it tomorrow or so) which we open an NPC for 20min and whoever wanna participate just needs to find the NPC and enter the room.

aside from this, if you have any better selection of players ideas you can always suggest it to us on the Suggestions Forum.

Offline Vookie

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if you disconnect why would you register for an Event?  :rolleyes:

dc is not something what we expect and comes when we want it :tiger-9:

and small scale events are still events

and here is my suggestion like u said: NPC, just like u do for Ares event, or how PWI did for every event they made
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Offline Chire

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Most of the pvp events are meant for fast net/pc's. The ones like me, just don't even go xD
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:

Offline Barbie

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The most fair way would be to register for an event imo. Of course this is not always possible if the event is last minute

Offline Vookie

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The most fair way would be to register for an event imo.

new account: CookieVookie

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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PWI does NOT host GM events lol
all their events are automated, using npc would only work to register automated event.
the only automated pvp event ever made is the Wu Shu (Thursday's PvP Tournament and the Arena in Archosaur which was never fixed by PWI).

this kind of events that are hosted when we decide to make them need to be fast, and not waste 1 day for people to register.
we use Forum for players to registr for bigger events aswell.

each event have its way of register. gm event randomly in the day are exactly that ;)

Offline firestorm01

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only 2 decent events on this server is  'Ares and Fire Legion'  ;D :)) :D

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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PvP Events are NEVER easy to host  :-X
always complains, problems, connections, this and that...so they take a lot of time to host.
but we make them ;)

Offline Benji

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Idk..i dont even try to take my place in such events,simply cause of drama and trashtalk.
But yes,i do think first pm is not rly fair due to lag-possible complications.

Anyhow, ty to GMs cause they try to make our day interesting.

Offline Vookie

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PvP Events are NEVER easy to host  :-X
always complains, problems, connections, this and that...so they take a lot of time to host.
but we make them ;)
Yeah thx for making them but no one's complaining here, this is suggestions forum and Im just telling what would be nice to change, and I know that many players share my opinion
But yes,i do think first pm is not rly fair due to lag-possible complications.
new account: CookieVookie

Offline Feone

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I agree the pm first on undefeated champion is a bit annoying. Perhaps it could be restructured a little bit?

My suggestion would be:

GM picks a number between 0 and 100. After announcement each player pm's the GM with a random number between 0 and 100 and whoever is closest / guesses it first gets to go. That way ping is no issue & you can still quickly select an opponent out of a group of pm's. 

That being said, hosting events is a lot of work and I appreciate the GM's putting time, efford and patience into it.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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I agree the pm first on undefeated champion is a bit annoying. Perhaps it could be restructured a little bit?

My suggestion would be:

GM picks a number between 0 and 100. After announcement each player pm's the GM with a random number between 0 and 100 and whoever is closest / guesses it first gets to go. That way ping is no issue & you can still quickly select an opponent out of a group of pm's. 

That being said, hosting events is a lot of work and I appreciate the GM's putting time, efford and patience into it.

wowo thats a nice idea...
i thoguht on one problem only, i  will need to keep the number somewhere where i can reveal to players cuz u know...first thing that iwll happen is people saying im lying and favouritism is around the corner lol
but i will workon this numbers idea ;)
or just ask a question ??
first to answer can challenge the Champion...
what u think of it?

Offline Feone

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Hmm well honestly. First to pm is just as easily subjected to favoritism.  Some people will bitch & whine about being unfair regardless of what you do so I wouldn't worry about that part.

I would add a rule that sending multiple PM's =  disqualify though. (Just thought of that.)

Offline Fatigue

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First to answer question, Do a true false question aka
Dolphins are mammals? True or false First to answer correct wins