Epic Perfect World

Sin vs Archer 1v1

Offline Benji

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Sin beats EA easly in 1v1.
Its simply cause of how class is made.
Of couse,there are not many good sins on EPW.
Most of sins do only this:
stealth - spark - occult - aps.
Some dont even use selfbuffs @.@
And cause of that fact,i wouldnt be, and im not suprised to see EAs beat sins.

Offline BeNicePlease

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Tbh only thing that makes the 1v1 hard is the tidal because stuns/sharpened fail alot
Try surviving with a def bow until it goes off and you might win
^might be some bs

Yes defeating a sin isn't impossible.
TBH personally I struggle more against a CoTD sin. APS sins 123 coz they dumber than their magic def  :normal-2:

Sin beats EA easly in 1v1.
Its simply cause of how class is made.
Of couse,there are not many good sins on EPW.
Most of sins do only this:
stealth - spark - occult - aps.
Some dont even use selfbuffs @.@
And cause of that fact,i wouldnt be, and im not suprised to see EAs beat sins.

Yes, sin > EA since the day was thought of by them chino devs. I bet they were made to Nerf EAs back in the day. Anyways, no use QQing about that sht anymore. I'm waiting for a sin player to say GO BACK TO 1.3 IF U NO LIKE  :normal-2: :normal-2:
Wish there was a good rank 8 1.3 server though :normal-12:
Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 12:45 pm by PeeKayz

Offline ℬʋttɦҿαɗ

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I'd say EA and sin not made for 1vs1 together.  I see so many sins asking Archers to 1vs1 but thats not fair at all.

And about mass pk...  On air sins useless all of them trying to spam fury on you, but still failing hard if you got good party at pk.

Idk i barely 1vs1,  but i've been at mass pk over 5 years and so far EA been OP for me always,  especially if you have almost full Ea party and they know how to AA = kill people from air to ground damage without hiero tick...  Seen alot that at this server,  and when ppl are on air then they die even with full buffs without hiero tick...  Can see it in one pk video what we made,  one Wr died so fast lol

And to forum mod: why only me can't post on forum,  before mod check my post?  I see many people getting topics closed and they are still doing it.
pitsid, saun, jupid, triibud
kingikotis katkine viiul


Offline BeNicePlease

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especially if you have almost full Ea party and they know how to AA = kill people from air to ground damage without hiero tick...

No butthead, remember Sync told us that it's half damage from air to ground. Thank the Gods for sync, so wize
 :normal-2: :normal-14: :normal-14: :normal-14: :normal-2: :normal-2: :normal-2:

OK SORRY im done now  :normal-47:
Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 03:33 pm by PeeKayz

Offline Bonbon

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Sin beats EA easly in 1v1.
Its simply cause of how class is made.
Of couse,there are not many good sins on EPW.
Most of sins do only this:
stealth - spark - occult - aps.
Some dont even use selfbuffs @.@
And cause of that fact,i wouldnt be, and im not suprised to see EAs beat sins.

lol so true. A sin without Tidal is just asking to die.
The gear you wear as an EA really defines how long you stay alive and the damage you take so play around with it and find a combination that works, although you may be sacrificing APS or attack levels for a bit more survivability.. Archers are generally pretty squishy and will die to any class very quickly if they can't defend themselves, same as an assassin without it's arsenal of stuns, seals and tidal. As long as any class can survive until Tidal wears off, an assassin becomes relatively easy pickings, especially when all they know is how to stun and APS. There a few really good sins however who can survive past this point... but only just a few.

CarbonStrike- 150 Archer

Offline Consist

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erm... archer = weak and useless class, common fact, when sins are one of the best classes. Im dragon sin and I kill r8 archers like mobs ijs, so dont tell archers they are bad if they lose cuz its not their fault, its just class being fail (tho TW is completely diff story)
Ur stupid. Get off this game. Archer is the most useful class in the game. Sin is the most easiest and useless in the game.

Edit: I meant in mass PK. Archer is the most useful in mass PK while sin isn't.
Last Edit: May 13, 2013, 10:47 pm by Consist

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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All classes are useless and weak according to the EPW forums  :normal-1:
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.


All classes are useless and weak according to the EPW forums  :normal-1:

Offline BeNicePlease

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Offline JHIN

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replied to a wrong thread. and yes i'm stupid  :normal-2:
Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 03:49 am by JHIN
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline Vookie

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Ur stupid. Get off this game. Archer is the most useful class in the game. Sin is the most easiest and useless in the game.

Edit: I meant in mass PK. Archer is the most useful in mass PK while sin isn't.
haha u funny I kill u last ;D
new account: CookieVookie

Offline Don Jon

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WB best class. /thread

WasteDump / MajorLeague(Greatest) / Frozenterror / UrbanLegend / USSMissiouri / USSArizona / Maravich / WorldPeace / Caesar / WaltDisney / BigPunisher / Gatekeeper / Doom

Offline nuggerkj

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BM=best mahaha let start this

Offline Fab

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This thread is about potatoes

Offline Consist

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haha u funny I kill u last ;D

Sir, I don't understand you.