Total Members Voted: 44
What a bitter stealing myEvent
Good luck on Barb 1 vs 1
and so tell me now, why won't many people pick wizards?They can hit so hard. They also get hit super hard, if any melee hits them..but..still.
Without good gear wizards can easily get killed. That could be a reason? I think it's a great class either way. DD and if you go sage it's like mass rape.
True. Without good gear.But a wizard with good gear is a massive DD. And can kill..erm... many things, lets put it that way.The sage part is true-which leads me to ask why many wizzies go demon (achly, most that i know)?
How would I know? Mostly if I'm a mage class I'd LOVE to go sage for the extra defense, who doesn't love defense? But I think they went demon so they can kill much faster and not risk stuff. Remain max distance y'know. I'm just taking a guess I don't know their reasons.