Epic Perfect World

For Swane <3

Offline Creamfields

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Just ma baby gettin clowned a few times

Life is better at 140BPM.


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Aww, you hurt my feelings.

Offline Creamfields

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All these SS's from when I was in Sync, I was what, level 140 then?  ;)

*Edit* That 'gf 5-3' one doesn't even count you did that WHILST I WAS MAKING THIS THREAD
Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 07:07 am by EvilTouch

Life is better at 140BPM.


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All these SS's from when I was in Sync, I was what, level 140 then?  ;)

LOL? you were level 150, my british brother. :normal-1:

Offline Creamfields

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Why have you blocked out your skill bars anyway, Who'd wanna copy that?!!?  >:D

Life is better at 140BPM.


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Why have you blocked out your skill bars anyway, Who'd wanna copy that?!!?  >:D
My skillbar sucks  :normal-12:

Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 07:08 am by EvilTouch

Offline Creamfields

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All my SS's were taken today. Yours what, when I first started and I had 'Manufactured by Agatio' gear or what????
 :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

Life is better at 140BPM.

Offline Creamfields

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My skillbar sucks dick  :normal-12:

Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 07:09 am by EvilTouch

Life is better at 140BPM.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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i dont understand it...
you guys are on skype and need EpicPW Forum to have a converstion ? specially one that can get both of you banned ? im tired of editing messages from both you...stop disrespecting people please, no one needs to read 2 players insulting each other.