Epic Perfect World

-Art of your character- BID.

Offline Fatigue

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What i offered is worth around 300 EC yeah. So i should be 2nd on the list.

Offline x-Hikarii

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Tell me whats worth in ec the stuff that Moorline offered then I can tell you an offer. I would say its around 300ec or so diden't sell or buy those since months.

moorline just offered 300 EC, so bid higher ? >.<

Offline Frend

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Man i bidd 350 EC lol. and im off? So mean. ill put it to 400 if you get me back on that list. Kari so mean. >:

Offline Uriel

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410 then for now.


Maybe I should start a art bidding thingy too? maybe in couple days after this nice lady's bid hall is done?

Preview of what I can do

I like it 

Offline x-Hikarii

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Man i bidd 350 EC lol. and im off? So mean. ill put it to 400 if you get me back on that list. Kari so mean. >:

Uriel just bidded higher. D: sowwie

Offline Catanna

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1000EC and a hug.

Toon: Sookiie

Offline x-Hikarii

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1000EC and a hug.

Toon: Sookiie

Nawh <3 added ~

Offline Fatigue

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My offer should be third o.o
1k EC can get you a LOT from a beginner
600 EC can probs do the same jeez

Offline x-Hikarii

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My offer should be third o.o
1k EC can get you a LOT from a beginner
600 EC can probs do the same jeez

I'm not putting them in order of which is worth the most o:
they are random, i just replace the one that is out bidded ~ ^^"

Offline Uriel

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Shouldent I be on the list or is the offer of moorline better?

Offline x-Hikarii

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Shouldent I be on the list or is the offer of moorline better?

Tbh i'm really not sure /cries.
I'm new to this server and stuff so i'm really unsure . . just trying my best. >q<

Offline Fatigue

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1k ec and 600 ec give you a much better headstart than my offer,
put mine third.
If uriel bids 450+ then all 3 of those can buy you my offer+endgame wep+ other little things

Offline x-Hikarii

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1k ec and 600 ec give you a much better headstart than my offer,
put mine third.
If uriel bids 450+ then all 3 of those can buy you my offer+endgame wep+ other little things

The "order" they are in is random >.< they are not determined by which is best