Epic Perfect World

-Art of your character- BID.

Offline x-Hikarii

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Looks good I still overbid the lowest offer let me know before you close the bids.

How much would you like me to put in? ^^

Offline x-Hikarii

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And I still want a sketchy signature when you got time for it   ^-^

Send me a picture then and ill do a headshot sketch. >o< I give in all the time.
Ill sketch in a bit to practice guys so ill do you while i'm doing it !

Does anyone else want a headshot sketch ?

Offline Cuddles

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i know i have a lot to learn . . and i am a little hurt as i spend up to 8hours on a fully colored drawing with lineart and a background, but thank you for your opinion, as i will try to become better, as for all the really nice comments well i really appreciate them but i do not think that i am done with learning how to get better from them, im just happy that people appriciate my art work at the standard it is.
Again I was not out to hurt you, simply share my opinion on the entire matter. Sorry if I did hurt you.
Of course you should do your best to improve and I'm sure you are, never doubted it. :>
I've also never said people shouldn't tell you when they like your art, just.. that some critique might be better from time to time instead of nothing but positive comments and that was honestly all I saw.

So yes no need to nearly jump me because my opinion differs from yours, Malon. -.-
Smells a little like someone can't accept a different opinion than their own on this matter.
But whatever floats your boat, not like I'm forced to mind your opinion at all if you just have to be that way.
I acknowledge that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but does that mean I can't say what -I- think without you subtly telling me I cannot grasp the 'true concept of beauty' because my opinion isn't purely positive?
I've never said that her art is horrible or anything. Just that there's a lot of room for improvement and that it, even for sketches, still seemed rather sloppy to me.
And yes, even with the sketchy style there's still enough room for improvement! If I was out to bash that style, I'd have to bash myself along with her.
But thanks for reminding me of the reason that brought me to abandoning this place.


i know i have a lot to learn . . and i am a little hurt as i spend up to 8hours on a fully colored drawing with lineart and a background, but thank you for your opinion, as i will try to become better, as for all the really nice comments well i really appreciate them but i do not think that i am done with learning how to get better from them, im just happy that people appriciate my art work at the standard it is.

Hikarii - A little advice :  Accept the good and the bad ...and realize not one of us are the same and will ALWAYS have different opinions.  What is beautiful in one person's mind and eyes, will not be beautiful in another one's mind and eyes.  I personally love your drawings, you have talent and I take it you are still young, with more exposure and training, it can become even more beautiful.

  Carry on with what you doing, you are doing a great job and if someone's opinion is not what you expected, accept it as they just see things through a different colored window, and not to upset you.  The saying goes:  The truth usually hurts :)

Offline x-Hikarii

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Again I was not out to hurt you, simply share my opinion on the entire matter. Sorry if I did hurt you.
Of course you should do your best to improve and I'm sure you are, never doubted it. :>
I've also never said people shouldn't tell you when they like your art, just.. that some critique might be better from time to time instead of nothing but positive comments and that was honestly all I saw.

So yes no need to nearly jump me because my opinion differs from yours, Malon. -.-
Smells a little like someone can't accept a different opinion than their own on this matter.
But whatever floats your boat, not like I'm forced to mind your opinion at all if you just have to be that way.
I acknowledge that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but does that mean I can't say what -I- think without you subtly telling me I cannot grasp the 'true concept of beauty' because my opinion isn't purely positive?
I've never said that her art is horrible or anything. Just that there's a lot of room for improvement and that it, even for sketches, still seemed rather sloppy to me.
And yes, even with the sketchy style there's still enough room for improvement! If I was out to bash that style, I'd have to bash myself along with her.
But thanks for reminding me of the reason that brought me to abandoning this place.

Thankies :3
I just tried a new lineart pen in hope that it will look better ~ ^^
im not angry or upset with you! i think anyone would be a little upset, but no i am not upset with you, thank you for being truthful with me, your comment made me want to improve more !

Hikarii - A little advice :  Accept the good and the bad ...and realize not one of us are the same and will ALWAYS have different opinions.  What is beautiful in one person's mind and eyes, will not be beautiful in another one's mind and eyes.  I personally love your drawings, you have talent and I take it you are still young, with more exposure and training, it can become even more beautiful.

  Carry on with what you doing, you are doing a great job and if someone's opinion is not what you expected, accept it as they just see things through a different colored window, and not to upset you.  The saying goes:  The truth usually hurts :)

I did accept it, and i'm happy that i know what i need to improve on o;
i think its prob natural for anyone to be a lil sad for a few secs but i'm not sad/mad at her, im happy that i can improve !

Offline Blue

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Maybe I should start a art bidding thingy too? maybe in couple days after this nice lady's bid hall is done?

Preview of what I can do

Offline x-Hikarii

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Maybe I should start a art bidding thingy too? maybe in couple days after this nice lady's bid hall is done?

You should ! Your art is nice :3

Offline Anie

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Heyy! I loved your work, it's awesome!
What would you prefer: 8k WoB or 800 EC?
Would be perfect if you could drawn my and my boyfriend's toon together. (:

Offline x-Hikarii

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Heyy! I loved your work, it's awesome!
What would you prefer: 8k WoB or 800 EC?
Would be perfect if you could drawn my and my boyfriend's toon together. (:

Ah thankies so much hun im glad you like!
EC, would you like me to add you to the list? :3

Offline Blue

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You should ! Your art is nice :3
Thanks for the compliment :D I like yours too :3, I just have trouble with body portortions when drawing a full character

Offline x-Hikarii

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Thanks for the compliment :D I like yours too :3, I just have trouble with body portortions when drawing a full character


Offline Sleep

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So yes no need to nearly jump me because my opinion differs from yours, Malon. -.-
Smells a little like someone can't accept a different opinion than their own on this matter.

I hadn't 'nearly jumped' anyone in particular. I was trying to raise his/her spirits because the harsh critiques won't stop online. There are people everywhere that want to judge something before taking in the time and work it takes make art into consideration.  Sorry you felt as if I was targeting you. :-\

You don't want to exasperate GN Sleep  :pig-11: :pig-37:

Offline Uriel

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Tell me whats worth in ec the stuff that Moorline offered then I can tell you an offer. I would say its around 300ec or so diden't sell or buy those since months.

Offline x-Hikarii

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Tell me whats worth in ec the stuff that Moorline offered then I can tell you an offer. I would say its around 300ec or so diden't sell or buy those since months.
Idk hun D: give me a offer that was higher than the person you over took!xD