Talking as a barb not as a GM, i have to agree with this.3 % crit is totally useless in the barbs.Yes its true pure vit barbs have already alot of HP, def levels, and blablabla. But with the new implements in tw. (towers). Make cata barbs way less viable then they used to be.More Vit will not do it as well.If we go to the "ohhh but then they will be better in pvp." Pure vit barbs make almost no dmg in pvp compared to any other class, they are there just to anoy. Pure strg barbs, have way less survivle then a BM or a seeker.So its time for maybe we review the barbs in here.They were once op in this server. Now we are left with a few good ones, that are only here, cause they actually know how to play they class.
1v1 this 1v1 that zzzzzz go to 1.3 for 1v1 no genies no tidal etcAnyway, enhancing armageddon could be useful. Addition of 6k~ mana could do it seeing as Armageddon atm isn't as powerful as on other servers.
1v1 this 1v1 that zzzzzz go to 1.3 for 1v1 no genies no tidal etc
can u change 3th status for barbs r8? 3% crit chance is kinda useless imo. (not gonna put suggestions what to put instead of it) just put something that actualy makes barb a barb (not hp imo)
JHIN I think what is being discussed is not that vit barbs don't hit hard, but that vit barbs don't have enough livability, going against both the words vit AND barb
I agree but with another suggestion for barbs, since you want to make barbs more tanky, take out their GoF and give them purify or something that has a % to heal them. Bc when a barb can 2 shot a mage with only 1 of those crit zerking. That hurts D: deno knows what im referring to