I spam dartle on demon spark, bitch please
Today it was very apparent that this event needs to be re-vamped to make mobs/bosses tougher. Normally on pwi this last's most of the day. As with are event it last 15-30 minutes once it has started. Anybody else feel this way?
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.
Last most of the day? What server were you playing on? O.o
I wanna see when this event last 2-3 hours........... I've never heard of this and/or seen it>.>
Is this even feedback to what i said on my main post? I've said 2 times now the meaning behind this post it's not directly correlated with the time that this event run's but how easy it is and requires very little of people to do it. Do you guys wonder why the event is supposed to be run from 20:00 server time till 24:00 server time cause it's meant to be a 4 hour event. And also why is it that a positive suggestion has to be commented in such negative ways?
^-^Glad to see more professionial comment's here thnx guy's!!!!