Epic Perfect World

looter pets..

Offline likeness123

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GMs just a suggestion would it be good if you implement looter pets...

Offline JHIN

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i remember my PORING pet :tiger-47:
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline geriatrix

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I don't disagree with looter pets.

I just don't need one.

No difference between sending toon to pick something, or pet.
Same number of clicks, same number of seconds to wait.
"Don't think about winning every battle in your life.
Think only about winning the current one."

But reconsider price. You might decide to lose.

Offline Agatio

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Looting pets don't exist in Perfect World.

Offline Cuddles

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How are you, Mr. Thread Starter, not too lazy to type anymore with the amount of laziness you display?


Looting pets are legit in other games, but we do have a press and hold pick-up button which is almost as good.  :-\

Offline Faeryl

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Either, I am really blonde or something. Please explain what a looter pet is?
When Soldiers have been baptized in the fire of a
battlefield they all have one rank in my eyes.

Offline Cuddles

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Either, I am really blonde or something. Please explain what a looter pet is?
A pet that picks stuff up for you I think?

Offline azuri11

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Either, I am really blonde or something. Please explain what a looter pet is?

a looter pet is a pet that picks up money and drops while you focus on fighting. Games like Silkroad online have this. While it's a good thing to have, it also normally costs extra cash each month to keep the pet "alive". Example, SRO's looter pets require you to use a clock to renew them each month.
(='.'=) This is Ninja Bunny.