Epic Perfect World

Solo instances?

Offline Malarix

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Once you get things situated and everything is back to normal working order, do you think it would be possible for you to make more solo leveling instances?  I don't dislike Rebirth except that it can't be soloed, and I can never get a party for it (and not through lack of trying).  I really would like some more instances like old Lunar that I can solo, even if the XP rate per hour isn't the same as Rebirth.

Honestly at the moment I feel like I log on to try and get a RB party, then log off like 2-3 hours later without having done anything, so I basically might as well not even play.

Offline Agatio

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I think that FC is good for leveling, you should solo it at 145+ with no prob, also mobs will be a bit weakened since today. There are also mobs in land of eternal sleep (near tellus city) so you can grind on them.

Offline Taku

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I think that FC is good for leveling, you should solo it at 145+ with no prob, also mobs will be a bit weakened since today. There are also mobs in land of eternal sleep (near tellus city) so you can grind on them.

Did you lower the exp the bosses give in FC? Seems like it got nerfed and we're not even 140 yet so it shouldn't have gone down that much.

Offline Rhelanna

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I'll do a run and let you know Taku.  :P

Offline Rhelanna

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The fcc bosses are deffinately not giving the amount of exp they were giving before most recent update. Some I'm getting the same exp I was getting in squad. Others are giving way less.

Offline PandaBear

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yea it got nerfed
+1 Taku

Offline Malarix

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I think that FC is good for leveling, you should solo it at 145+ with no prob, also mobs will be a bit weakened since today. There are also mobs in land of eternal sleep (near tellus city) so you can grind on them.

That's all fine and good, but is the XP from it the same as before Genesis patch?  I'd like to assume not since you said to do it at 145+, but if my suspicion is right and it is the same XP, then that is laughable at my level considering how much I needed even before your most recent 25% increase in the required XP to level.

Offline Agatio

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I think new instance will help in this case.

Offline Rhelanna

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Exp range anywhere from 420 pts to just over 60k pts on mobs. Bosses range from 15k ish pnts to just over 60k pnts. If you've ever played PWI and been to fcc, you'll know there's a ton of mobs. I was just over 80% at lvl 143 when I went in, and when I left I was a lvl 144 and was just over 80% again.