Epic Perfect World

Save the Princess

Offline Mizotasu♥

  • qt sage werepenguin~
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We have to save Coffee from Agatio? No way! That guy hits me one hit KO..... >.>

Offline Leafless

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Song used in video is just perfect :)

Offline specialkr

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All for a Prince of a random kingdom to save the princess of another random kingdom from the ice prision wherever it is! CHARGE,MY DEAR FRIEDS,ENEMIES,AND RANDOM PKERS!

Offline Sneaker

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letme  before explicit i am 2nd from to developr i ccyso systems com i wannn help this gme you hve any objectuoms that...if so *** off

Offline Uriel

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letme  before explicit i am 2nd from to developr i ccyso systems com i wannn help this gme you hve any objectuoms that...if so *** off
Can someone translate this?

Offline Nicolle

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letme  before explicit i am 2nd from to developr i ccyso systems com i wannn help this gme you hve any objectuoms that...if so *** off
Can someone translate this?
She said she is sexy .

Offline Areashi'

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letme  before explicit i am 2nd from to developr i ccyso systems com i wannn help this gme you hve any objectuoms that...if so *** off
Can someone translate this?
Believe me, I've tried. So hard...
Officially quit: 21/02/13.
:/. Only coming back for tw.

Offline Therras

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letme  before explicit i am 2nd from to developr i ccyso systems com i wannn help this gme you hve any objectuoms that...if so *** off
Can someone translate this?
She said she is sexy .

LOL sry I couldnt resist. Ive to stop being rude  :)) :)) :))

Offline Areashi'

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letme  before explicit i am 2nd from to developr i ccyso systems com i wannn help this gme you hve any objectuoms that...if so *** off
Can someone translate this?
She said she is sexy .

LOL sry I couldnt resist. Ive to stop being rude  :)) :)) :))
I don't. They should all stop crying.
Officially quit: 21/02/13.
:/. Only coming back for tw.

Offline hexengava

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Cool epicpw.com. Offtopic: When will the new season of "Dexter"?! 
Last Edit: Feb 18, 2013, 07:52 am by EvilTouch

Offline wourtutcaft

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Hi i'm new here!
How can i contact administration of this forum?

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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  • Characters: EvilTouch
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search for Agatio name on the members, hes the Admin.
you can then email him or PM him.

Offline Mana

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Friendly reminder that the mobs spawn around this area on the roads and not just the front!

ignore the very professional paint lines...

Offline rabid_dogg

  • Hσɱҽʂƚҽαԃ Gυɾυ ✋🏽
  • Characters: rabid_dogg,Critsalot,SirSeeksalot,CyborgChacha,Rabid
Sorry a bit late to post here. But it seems as if late both save the princess and sumor camp events are being camped by dozens of Alts Who pick the mob with the most drops except for the King and Queen bosses and phys immune of course.

My concern is that for example:

A squad of 5 (all different players) spend 15 minutes on the boss and out of nowhere some random player pops up and “picks up all” before anyone can and calmly walks off.

The drops on sumor camp are not free for all (not sure of the bosses) but in save the Princess they are. Was wondering if this can be fixed, otherwise the events are there only for people to solo kill mobs and no one will touch the bosses, which is not very MMORPG like.

Just thought I’d bring this to Your attention after multiple instances of me and my squad mates getting robbed.

Thanks and Regards 🙏🏻
Last Edit: Apr 21, 2021, 11:12 am by rabid_dogg