Epic Perfect World

Tournament: Clash of Classes

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Entering for my friend

Class: SB
Name: Thus

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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wr laxur
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Error404, you know, last year i made a tournament, where there were teams, and i asked the teams to tell me a better time for them. This happened cuz i was letting them fight at their time, in the end, i got major problem simply cuz people kept asking to wait for this and that, wasting time everyday, and so on...so this time i decided to set the time myself. If you can participate then its you can and if you can't then you can't. I'm really sorry that it doesn't fit yours and some other players timezone, but i can't make a single class as you said in one day. That's just impossible. You said that fights won't take long, i agree with you BUT people will be late, people will ask to rematch, people will find excuses to not fight, etc...and me...i will try to ask them to fight, to make them come, show up, etc...Many things can make the fight not being the 10 minutes i set...if you noticed in the regulations, i did those but let's be honest...they happen and i will have to deal with them. In the last year's tournament fights took around 4 minutes....or even less...but waiting for a fight took sometimes 2 hours...you can ask whoever participated there, i also had major issues with players saying i waiting for this one and that one so i had to wait his team player too, and ofc i waited...now im not wasting that kind of time, there's a time for u to be there, if u r not you will be DQ'ed.
Now i also said i will close the registrations TODAY at midnight (00:00) and tomorrow i would TRY and work on a NEW schedule to shorten the time of the tournament. If this is possible only obviously.
So i will leave this message as the notice too.

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weptt - venomancer

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i have one thing idk if u will agree about it .
giving title 2nd and 3rd place of each class .
i think its sounds nice 

for example Clash of Class - Archer 2nd/3rd

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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i have one thing idk if u will agree about it .
giving title 2nd and 3rd place of each class .
i think its sounds nice

for example Clash of Class - Archer 2nd/3rd
It's a good idea.
Title may suffer changes too, was just giving out the information i will give out title for tournament too.
Today i will check the schedule and see if something can be changed to shorten the event.

Offline Snow

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i have one thing idk if u will agree about it .
giving title 2nd and 3rd place of each class .
i think its sounds nice

for example Clash of Class - Archer 2nd/3rd

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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I forgot to say but the registrations are closed.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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Ok guys, i wa bale to shorten the event by 10 days.
It was the maximum i could get, due to having some other things in some of the days.

Please re check the schedule to make sure you can make it. Link here: click

Offline Snow

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Ok guys, i wa bale to shorten the event by 10 days.
It was the maximum i could get, due to having some other things in some of the days.

Please re check the schedule to make sure you can make it. Link here: click
I don't see the schedule as to which classes are fighting from Nov 19 to December 1st . Just for the 3rd 4th and Finals.

Also when will we found out who are we fighting and when is our fight set?

Offline Nea

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I don't see the schedule as to which classes are fighting from Nov 19 to December 1st . Just for the 3rd 4th and Finals.

Also when will we found out who are we fighting and when is our fight set?
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Snow

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Thanks mate.
Excel is not my thing haha

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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I will make the random draws tomorrow, Thursday.

Offline ᴠɪᴄ

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I will make the random draws tomorrow, Thursday.
Are you gonna update the list so we know if we're entered or not? Or did you already update it and is it on a certain page of this thread?