Epic Perfect World

Tournament: Clash of Classes

Offline acback

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Offline Error404: Gitgud

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Why not to change the Schedule to make it shorter but keep it mind than most of us actually can sign up because our fights aren't before 4PM server time during the week...
The schedule is very conflicting for me because some days i have class/work while other days i have nothing
All the stuff is morning time in US too -_- almost all the things conflict with college... would be best if they held event during like december so even students and workers can get a chance for it too
And why not host all of 1 class per day? First round all the way to finals....that way we dont need to take like 6 days off of work for 1 event lol

Offline Top50 Genji EU

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And why not host all of 1 class per day? First round all the way to finals....that way we dont need to take like 6 days off of work for 1 event lol
yeah thats cool ,, but that will not look like Tournament  :-[ ,, and will take all day to done with 1 full class , i think GM's dont have thats time to be OL

Offline ᴠɪᴄ

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Offline Error404: Gitgud

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yeah thats cool ,, but that will not look like Tournament  :-[ ,, and will take all day to done with 1 full class , i think GM's dont have thats time to be OL
From what I hear, the GMs get paychecks
if they are working for it, why not have the time to stay online ? one gm host one day next gm host next day and so on
spread the workload
Tournament will still be done just all at once
Do you know how time conflicting the current schedule is to so many players? its restricting them from wanting to sign up....
that's one of the main reasons players haven't signed up
they know they cant make it on all those days
(me being one of them) I can make it on one or two but more than that just hurts my schedule too much

Offline Top50 Genji EU

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From what I hear, the GMs get paychecks
if they are working for it, why not have the time to stay online ? one gm host one day next gm host next day and so on
spread the workload
Tournament will still be done just all at once
Do you know how time conflicting the current schedule is to so many players? its restricting them from wanting to sign up....
that's one of the main reasons players haven't signed up
they know they cant make it on all those days
(me being one of them) I can make it on one or two but more than that just hurts my schedule too much
i agree with u , it will be better if make each class in 1 day 

Offline Scarce

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won't be able attend

Offline Snow

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First of all, ET is doing US a favor with this event.
He is not obligated to do it. If he wanted he could just not do it, takes less time, he doesn't even need to take time to write all the stuff in the first post. With the color edits, image edits, text lineups, spoilers and stuff, things tend to take quite a while.

Second of all, he has a child. A newborn baby. And you are telling him that being online from 14:00 to 19:00 pm st is not enough? Are you kidding me?
Yes GM's do get payed, but not enough to support a family, He most likely has some kind of a job aswell. You got GMs logging on, not even everyday, and if they do,they host an event or 2, chill in the support room for 30mins and go off.

He could ask other GM's for help yes, but you gotta know GM's do stuff on their own most of the time, and you really think any of the other GM's would be willing to be online for 6 hours for a couple of days, stream it, run the website and stuff? Don't think so.

Schedules will clash, people play EPW from all over the world. Not just EU not just NA, including Asian times. There is no way he can make it accessible to everyone. Simple logic.

And if you're complaining about having to take multiple days off work to come on every freaking class possible, then don't come on every freaking class possible. Jeez.
Last Edit: Nov 09, 2016, 03:57 pm by Snow

Offline Error404: Gitgud

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  • Characters: SkillSender/StickToPVE
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First of all, ET is doing US a favor with this event.
He is not obligated to do it. If he wanted he could just not do it, takes less time, he doesn't even need to take time to write all the stuff in the first post. With the color edits, image edits, text lineups, spoilers and stuff, things tend to take quite a while.

Second of all, he has a child. A newborn baby. And you are telling him that being online from 14:00 to 19:00 pm st is not enough? Are you kidding me?
Yes GM's do get payed, but not enough to support a family, He most likely has some kind of a job aswell. You got GMs logging on, not even everyday, and if they do,they host an event or 2, chill in the support room for 30mins and go off.

He could ask other GM's for help yes, but you gotta know GM's do stuff on their own most of the time, and you really think any of the other GM's would be willing to be online for 6 hours for a couple of days, stream it, run the website and stuff? Don't think so.

Schedules will clash, people play EPW from all over the world. Not just EU not just NA, including Asian times. There is no way he can make it accessible to everyone. Simple logic.

And if you're complaining about having to take multiple days off work to come on every freaking class possible, then don't come on every freaking class possible. Jeez.
it takes multiple days even for 1 class lmfao
1 round of like 4 rounds lol
meaning you still have to take at least 4 days off minimum
You know how fast rounds go by?
the way they have it set up currently is everyone logs at different times confusing the entire schedule of the players
when instead they can easily set it all at one timeperiod and get it over with rather than doing two classes of one race a day they can do 1 class a day and do entire thing lol

Offline Poseidon001

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Offline Cleaver

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Ea Sting wiz CaptainYoyo sin margin wr laxur veno plugged psy hoIIow
Last Edit: Nov 17, 2016, 01:44 pm by Cleaver

Offline Aerith

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Offline Nimy

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First of all, ET is doing US a favor with this event.
He is not obligated to do it. If he wanted he could just not do it, takes less time, he doesn't even need to take time to write all the stuff in the first post. With the color edits, image edits, text lineups, spoilers and stuff, things tend to take quite a while.

Second of all, he has a child. A newborn baby. And you are telling him that being online from 14:00 to 19:00 pm st is not enough? Are you kidding me?
Yes GM's do get payed, but not enough to support a family, He most likely has some kind of a job aswell. You got GMs logging on, not even everyday, and if they do,they host an event or 2, chill in the support room for 30mins and go off.

He could ask other GM's for help yes, but you gotta know GM's do stuff on their own most of the time, and you really think any of the other GM's would be willing to be online for 6 hours for a couple of days, stream it, run the website and stuff? Don't think so.

Schedules will clash, people play EPW from all over the world. Not just EU not just NA, including Asian times. There is no way he can make it accessible to everyone. Simple logic.

And if you're complaining about having to take multiple days off work to come on every freaking class possible, then don't come on every freaking class possible. Jeez.
Totally agree.
I still dont know if i can attend myself but hey, its an event ET offers us. Dont like the rules? Dont like the schedule? Just dont go, its no problem.
Same as a lot of people can not come playoffs or any other event.
 It is one thing suggesting changes, but blaming someone and even saying he is forced to do something due to payment or whatever is not ok. Im sure ET tries to please everyone but its not always possible.

Offline Error404: Gitgud

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  • of House Tyrant ✩
  • Characters: SkillSender/StickToPVE
  • Faction: Tyrants
Totally agree.
I still dont know if i can attend myself but hey, its an event ET offers us. Dont like the rules? Dont like the schedule? Just dont go, its no problem.
Same as a lot of people can not come playoffs or any other event.
 It is one thing suggesting changes, but blaming someone and even saying he is forced to do something due to payment or whatever is not ok. Im sure ET tries to please everyone but its not always possible.
I mean, its "clash of classes" its not like playoffs
It happens once a year to determine the best of the best
If it was any other event, i'd have to agree but its not

Offline I̶c̶e̶N̶i̶k̶i̶

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I mean, its "clash of classes" its not like playoffs
It happens once a year to determine the best of the best
If it was any other event, i'd have to agree but its not
Do you also yoga to be mentally prepared?
eating healthy so you dont get sick that day?
Got a back up internet in case something happens on your isp?
bought gaming mouse +keyboard for that day?