and its people like you that would be the reason nothing would change. they're not gonna send politicians there. any intelligent person wouldn't be corrupt. stupid people need objects to feel superior, because its the only thing they can hold over anyone else. some of the smartest people i know aren't rich, and they're pretty happy.
someone with intelligence maintains a sense of reasoning. i've never gotten into an argument or a debate with a smart person and here anyone one of us say "lets take this outside, see who wins" because they have the capacity to understand where they're coming from and may learn something from each other.
so thank you for sharing your negativity and closed mindedness with the rest of society. i hope a horse kicks you ion the groin so you won't be able to spread your failed seed with the rest of world. thank you and good day
You are open and tolerant of ideas and approaches different from your own.
Anyway now that i crushed your dreams follow this step by step process to test your sanity.
1 Buy water and 14 days of rations, military grade the kind of things you'd expect to last 10 years or longer
2. Find a enclosed space about 8 ft by 12 ft.
3. Close the door with nothing there but books and a fairly dim light.
4. Lock the door and either slide the key back under the door, or swallow it.
5. Don't leave for the entirety of 14 days.
The comment about actually wanting to live past 30 in concerning, had i been with you for 14 days i'd have killed you because of paranoia.
"lets take this outside, see who wins"
If an intellectual says this to you and appears fit, don't go outside. While your flustered in your rage he will systematically pick you apart from the ground up and reassemble you into something society can appreciate. aka cadaver.
"i hope a horse kicks you ion the groin so you won't be able to spread your failed seed with the rest of world"
Domestic Animals. This rule applies only to domestic animals. As to wild animals maintained in captivity, the owner is strictly liable for virtually any injury caused by the animal. Horses, like cats, dogs, cattle, mules and donkeys, are categorized by the courts as domestic animals. In effect, the courts assume that as a general rule all wild animals are dangerous to humans while all domestic animals are not dangerous. Each horse, like each dog, is entitled to one bite, but only one. If the owner or caretaker of a horse knows or, as owner or caretaker, should have known of dangerous behavior abnormal for a horse, then the law imposes the highest standard of care. It literally says that from that point on there is no excuse should the horse repeat that behavior and injure someone.
Make it count i guess
"someone with intelligence maintains a sense of reasoning. i've never gotten into an argument or a debate with a smart person and here anyone one of us say "lets take this outside, see who wins" because they have the capacity to understand where they're coming from and may learn something from each other."
Intelligence, as defined in standard dictionaries, has two rather different meanings. In its most familiar meaning, intelligence has to do with the individual's ability to learn and reason. It is this meaning which underlies common psychometric notions such as intelligence testing, the intelligence quotient, and the like. In its less common meaning, intelligence has to do a body of information and knowledge. This second meaning is implicated in the titles of certain government organizations, such as the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States, and its British counterparts MI-5 and MI-6. Similarly, both meanings are invoked by the concept of social intelligence. As originally coined by E.L. Thorndike (1920), the term referred the person's ability to understand and manage other people, and to engage in adaptive social interactions. More recently, however, Cantor and Kihlstrom (1987) redefined social intelligence to refer to the individual's fund of knowledge about the social world.
"some of the smartest people i know aren't rich, and they're pretty happy."
Most poor people have something that makes them rich, some in fact are so rich the word appears to lose several of it's definitions.
Definition of RICH
: having abundant possessions and especially material wealth
a : having high value or quality
b : well supplied or endowed <a city rich in traditions>
: magnificently impressive : sumptuous
a : vivid and deep in color <a rich red>
b : full and mellow in tone and quality <a rich voice>
c : having a strong fragrance <rich perfumes>
: highly productive or remunerative <a rich mine>
a : having abundant plant nutrients <rich soil>
b : highly seasoned, fatty, oily, or sweet <rich foods>
c : high in the combustible component <a rich fuel mixture>
d : high in some component <cholesterol-rich foods>
a : entertaining; also : laughable
b : meaningful, significant <rich allusions>
c : lush <rich meadows>
: pure or nearly pure <rich lime>
"and its people like you that would be the reason nothing would change. they're not gonna send politicians there"
A person who is professionally involved in politics.
A person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement.
Characterized by unscrupulous control of a situation or person: "she was sly, selfish, and manipulative".
Of or relating to manipulation of an object or part of the body: "a manipulative skill".
All right some 3 minutes later i hope we've learned something, time for the "fine print"
Astronaut Selection and Training
Following the preliminary screening of applications, a week-long process of personal interviews, medical screening, and orientation are required for both civilian and military applicants under final consideration. Once final selections have been made, all applicants are notified of the outcome. Selected applicants are designated Astronaut Candidates and are assigned to the Astronaut Office at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas. The Astronaut Candidates undergo a training and evaluation period lasting approximately 2 years. During this time they will participate in the basic Astronaut Candidate training program, which is designated to develop the knowledge and skills required for formal mission training upon selection for a flight. Military Astronaut Candidates with a jet piloting background maintain proficiency in NASA aircraft during their candidate period. As part of the Astronaut Candidate training program, candidates are required to complete military water survival before beginning their flying syllabus, and become SCUBA qualified to prepare them for spacewalk training. Consequently, all Astronaut Candidates are required to pass a swimming test during their first month of training. They must swim 3 lengths of a 25- meter pool without stopping, and then swim 3 lengths of the pool in a flight suit and tennis shoes with no time limit. They must also tread water continuously for 10 minutes wearing a flight suit. Candidates are also exposed to the problems associated with high (hyperbaric) and low (hypobaric) atmospheric pressures in the altitude chambers and learn to deal with emergencies associated with these conditions. In addition, AstronautCandidates are given exposure to the microgravity of space flight during flights in a modified jet aircraft as it performs parabolic maneuvers that produce periods of weightlessness for about 20 seconds. The aircraft then returns to the original altitude and the sequence is repeated up to 40 times in a day. Final selection as an astronaut will depend upon satisfactory completion of the training and evaluation period. Graduation from the Astronaut Candidate Program will require successful completion of the following: International Space Station systems training, Extravehicular Activity skills training, Robotics skills training, Russian Language training, and aircraft flight readiness training. Civilian candidates who successfully complete the training and evaluation and are selected as astronauts become permanent Federal employees. Civilian candidates who are not selected as astronauts may be placed in other positions within NASA, depending upon agency requirements and workforce constraints at that time. Equal opportunity in employment means opportunity not just for some but for all. NASA provides equal opportunity in Federal employment regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, non-disqualifying physical or mental disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, status as a parent, or gender identity
To be Quite blunt,
Estimated LEO payload cost per lb (kg) = $4,729 ($10,416) on a USA Space Shuttle Launch.
Since shuttle flights began in 1981, NASA has restricted only height. The last time it recruited a new batch of astronauts, in 2003, the minimum height was 4 feet, 10½; the maximum was 6 feet, 4 inches.
At most you would weigh 202 pounds that is at the "healthy" standard. It is probably far more strict then that to get into space. $955,258 is what it would cost to send that into space.
In the 1990s, Americans Wendy Lawrence (who's 5-foot-3) and Scott Parazynski (6-foot-2) were barred from Soyuz flights because of their height. The Soyuz was modified, but not before the pair became known as "Too Short" and "Too Tall."
And onto my conclusion, I do not believe they would select the average joe for this "mission". I do however believe there will be military trained individuals on the flight some most likely for insurance so if someone did snap they can quietly and quickly be put down to prevent the extreme amount of money that would go into this event. I seriously doubt they will say hey just sign this waiver and get on board, there is about 3000 things that can happen to your body without proper training when the G force set in and well that million was just the government pissing in the wind for no apparent reason.
TL:DR If your serious about space, that little link you posted needs to become your credo for the next 9 years, get your ass in the air force, get the required schooling accomplished and spend any and all spare time after that attempting to get into nasa's space program. It's like finding a job, they want the best of the best of whoever applies, and when push comes to shove those with enough money could most likely buy one of those seats behind closed doors. because thats just how the world works sometimes.
I hopes this was either informative or extremely crushing, most of the information here was taken from nasa's official website where they have detailed information and for most other things just copy a line and paste it in google. But yea never take anything in life lightly, finely written words harbor hidden agendas when they have a price written behind it that few will mention.