Epic Perfect World

How to kill sins.............

Offline Vengeous ~

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LOLOLOL, those memes just made my morning

Offline NeeT

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answer: fast xD if u can use your toon and youre not a pv-baby
its a fkin op server (and 0tiger stones or op evasion)
good guide btw, gratz :)
Date Registered: May 29, 2013, 07:55 am


answer: fast xD if u can use your toon and youre not a pv-baby
its a fkin op server (and 0tiger stones or op evasion)
good guide btw, gratz :)

lol i didn't understand anything from that
...just lol ...eh pv baby ? XD

Offline SaltySupreme

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If I could, I'd like to add onto this by adding a Cleric guide into this.

Cleric: You have a sleep skill, a skill that reduces magic defense at the cost of your own, a slowing skill, self-heals and buffs. This class should be one of the classes that QQ the least. If you have a problem with a Sin's stuns, get an anti-stun genie skill, Occult Ice or learn how to play a Cleric. If you use the skill that reduces mag def along with your own and pair that with Occult and/or that sleep skill they are gonna be screwed over. Let us not forget that you can Occult/sleep and spam Ironheart for that time, if timed right then you can save yourself a charm tick or losing the fight. When they spark, either Occult/sleep them or use Absolute Domain and run. No excuse for a Cleric being dropped like a hot potato.
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline NeeT

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pv-baby like fc-baby on the orig servers u know ... pwrlvl aaand after that in fc for ex:
4sins, 1seeker guess how much bp on seeker or how much rib on boss ? ...
and sins asked: whats the maze steps?... op gears, end game toons, zero skills or playin affinity
Date Registered: May 29, 2013, 07:55 am

Offline Uriel

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pv-baby like fc-baby on the orig servers u know ... pwrlvl aaand after that in fc for ex:
4sins, 1seeker guess how much bp on seeker or how much rib on boss ? ...
and sins asked: whats the maze steps?... op gears, end game toons, zero skills or playin affinity


Offline blackfire

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 Imma do a Cleric guide on how to kill sins, without healing that much (only for demon cleric, cuz sage idk..). U need a str genie with next skills: occult/expel/xtreme poison/AD/Belief/fortifiy(no neeed that much), never put enrange cuz u dead, and optional tangling mire/tree of protection and idk now for sure another skills. Now shall get demon spirits gift (100% more magic atk), weild thunder (-30% met def) and stream of rejuvemantion (150% phy def for 10 sec). Ok so lets start, when a sin comes he will have tidal right? Never try occult or sleep NEVER! Put plume shell on, hello 80% phy reduce, if shield is off and sin atack use expel, and spam freeze skill and stream of rejuvemantion and ironheart bless. When tidal is off use fast Seal of the God (it seals+freeze but the target get 90% less dmg, once it worked u wont be scarried for 15 secs, he cant be unbuffed) so now its ur combo: go Violet dance stance-mark of weakness-magical shackle-absorbing array+aurora array-magical debuff (only magical, u lose time using the phy one)-spam spirits gift 2-3 times-weild thunder-occult ice-xtreme poison-elven boon (if the sin isnt dead use sleep and than vortex and the other 1 skill than he should be dead LOL or use blade tempest ur choice). Rest u can learn more, if u want more tricks mail me in game Thicke. Hope i helped ya guys. Good luck!!!
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Offline JHIN

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magical debuff (only magical, u lose time using the phy one)-spam spirits gift 2-3 times-weild thunder-occult ice-xtreme poison-elven boon (if the sin isnt dead use sleep and than vortex and the other 1 skill than he should be dead LOL or use blade tempest ur choice).

what magical and physical debuff? are those genie skills (tangling mire/elem weakness) or cleric skills?
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline MorbidAngel

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or you can be smart enough on seeker wait out their tidal hit edged blur and out damage a sin with aps for hitting 5ks +10k per 1.5 seconds gg sins

Morbid/\ngel - 150 seeker

Offline JHIN

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or you can be smart enough on seeker wait out their tidal hit edged blur and out damage a sin with aps for hitting 5ks +10k per 1.5 seconds gg sins
is edge blur metal?
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline MorbidAngel

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Morbid/\ngel - 150 seeker


or you can be smart enough on seeker wait out their tidal hit edged blur and out damage a sin with aps for hitting 5ks +10k per 1.5 seconds gg sins

YESSS!! Thank you for this :)

Offline 🌸

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I must admit sins are pretty easy for psychics but the ones that hit really hard... D: mainly DPH, they can 2shot me in black voodoo.

also, someone should make a guide on how to kill magic classes for psychics. :-[
Last Edit: Aug 02, 2013, 01:04 pm by Kera ♥

Offline Tannis

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what magical and physical debuff? are those genie skills (tangling mire/elem weakness) or cleric skills?