Epic Perfect World

How to kill sins.............

Offline Vengeous ~

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Alright im sick and tired of all the QQing coming from nabs saying that sins are too OP and that we cant be killed... Right....... I wish. Wake up and look around. Theres probably another hundred guides out there but i thought id throw in my opinions cos i can >:D
Anyways, lets start with a bm

Bm ~ son... Why are you here? Open your eyes, look at your skills and read them, no wait, look at your class definition, semi tank? You know what that means right? YOU CAN TANK. Tidals only last a minute so what do you do? You keep belief on your genie ready, and you keep your chi up and you run... Like, idk cant think of a simile but you run.
I've seen bms try stun locks while i had my tidal on and id be like... LOL okay yeah thats cute. Really.. Dont bother, chances are low and even if you get a roar in there, DO NOT follow up with drake bash cos you just waistin that chi meng. So once the tidals gone, any good sin would follow up with a stun or get maze step on, thats when you go offensive. Make sure to keep that purify stone in your fists or claws or whatever works these days cos chances are you're gonna get rib striked D: but yeah, you've got a 30 second window so go go go.

Wizzy ~ hmmmm.... Okay i dont really see you guys complaining about sins, but still it wont hurt to say a few things. You're best friend in a fight agaisnt a sin is badge of courage or fortify i believe. And that morai skill that purifies and lets you jump away. Just dont be stupid and jump when you're immobolized cos then you're gonna get stuck and we're just gonna re stun or re immobolize you and laugh about it at a virgin dinner party.

Psychic ~ Okay you guys... You guys are sin killers. You have sos, white and black vodoo. Why do you complain, srsly. If you cant kill a sin, change class. Cos imo you guys were made to kill us. I pretty much learnt how to play a psychic from Bezmor. Hes an awesome guy on youtube and really helpful. Check him out. Thats all i gotta say. Oh and stay in school

Seeker ~ Really? Do i even have to say anything? 30-40k pdef amd 50-60 def lvls. The only thing i can say is a seeker combo i picked up from the besties, and ive seen a lotta nab ones mess it up. Blade affinity-Sacrificial strike (or something like that)-Quid pro (quad*?)-enrage (genie skill)-ET (extreme poison)-Eon blade or whatever its called. Its a one shot and dont argue, ive seen 150 dragon geared seekers one shot barbs in true form. Also... Dont use dual blades, i mean i know aps are cool but... Seekers are made for long blades, its just stupid trying to out dps a sin or a bm.

Archer ~ Wot? Oh yeah those guys.... Run run run, occasional hit, run some more, stun, then the  skill that lowers metal def and the other 2 metal related skills. Easy tbh. Oh and spam the **** out of expel. In my honest opinion, archers should've had that skill on them instead of them using a genie...

Barb ~ ehhh... Dont use claws guys... Why would you? Trading GoF for aps? And dont use arma if you're dex build... I fight barbs that just straight out dd with their sad little claws and then they switch to arma, and it hits me for 2-3k and they by pass their own charm. WHY??? You ruin the 1v1s meng D: there are some good aps barbs out there but if you're new to this, stick with the poleaxe. It works on every class, except seekers and bms i think. But then again, just cos i cant kill them doesnt mean you cant ;) Oh and about camping barb form.. I wont go there but, leave it for mass pk please? D:
So there you have it, my "external" knowledge on these classes an i think i went out of text and just started putting in random comments for each class O.o
Yeah sorry about that... Just thought id help out the QQers and show em that theres hope and feel free to comment.
Also i left out a few classes like cleric and mystic and... I think thats it but yeah thats cos i didnt really study them and... Well ive never been killed by any so you guys feel free to QQ o.o
Also if any feelings were hurt (i doubt it..) feel free to pm me by clicking the X on the top right side of the screen.
Last Edit: Jan 06, 2013, 07:12 am by sarebus


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McFluffin~ 150 r8 Demon Barb
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Offline JHIN

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*looks carefully at the guide.. nods... nods.. nods..*. = STILL DOESN'T GET IT..
I'm a real FULL NAB LOL..  :P

ty 4 sharing   :smiley:

Last Edit: Jan 06, 2013, 08:50 am by JHIN
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline Vengeous ~

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lol just ask LilKayla next time you see her in game, she literally 1 shots most sin's with ease. Think she has something like 137 attack level, she has dual stat's Attack Level+2 x2  on each ring. I could be wrong on her amount of Attack Level, Don't remember exactly how many she has. Sorry if I am. Ask her she'll tell ya.
Last Edit: Jan 06, 2013, 10:10 am by DeeDee

Offline Vengeous ~

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Im sure she'd be better with a long sword... But whatever floats your boat. If you can do it then thats great haha, if you cant... Well yeah

Offline Slashyy

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ur methods are too main stream ive never had a problem triple sparking and then hitting them 4 times 5 if they have dn xD

Offline Reval

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Barb ~ ehhh... Dont use claws guys... Why would you? Trading GoF for aps? And dont use arma if you're dex build... I fight barbs that just straight out dd with their sad little claws and then they switch to arma, and it hits me for 2-3k and they by pass their own charm. WHY??? You ruin the 1v1s meng D: there are some good aps barbs out there but if you're new to this, stick with the poleaxe. It works on every class, except seekers and bms i think. But then again, just cos i cant kill them doesnt mean you cant ;) Oh and about camping barb form.. I wont go there but, leave it for mass pk please? D:

xD thx for the tip

lol just ask LilKayla next time you see her in game, she literally 1 shots most sin's with ease. Think she has something like 137 attack level, she has dual stat's Attack Level+2 x2  on each ring. I could be wrong on her amount of Attack Level, Don't remember exactly how many she has. Sorry if I am. Ask her she'll tell ya.
Sounds OP w/ the atk lvl

Offline Vengeous ~

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Posted by: Slashyy
« on: Today at 10:20:07 am » Insert Quote
ur methods are too main stream ive never had a problem triple sparking and then hitting them 4 times 5 if they have dn xD

Tripple spark? Yeah... Ummm dont come near me. A bm or a barb who sparks? Lmfao, delete your toon. Also the sins tht sit there and take the tripple spark, tell them to delete their acc too

Offline Vengeous ~

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xD thx for the tip

Np :D

Offline Vengeous ~

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Also lemme just clear this out that only follow the guide if you're technique didnt work or if you just wanna test mine. In no way am i saying that my stuff works 100%
Go out there an experiment. DO NOT have a cry everytime you're killed, learn to adapt. This is a game, not a pre school sandpit

Offline Eralis

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I'm a mystic and so far i could beat most of the sins i 1v1ed.
Basically i play on defense (push back, petals, some heals, pet stun, expel when sin tries to stun lock me) till their tidal runs out, then sleep and do my combo (listless blossom - lysing - falling petals - devil chiyu - befudding creeper - lysing + chiyu stun - nature's vengeance - leech - and then just rape him)
Works most of the times and sins usually drop in front of me or in any case have a hard time killing me  ^-^

Here's a video of me 1v1ing a faction mate... first fight he got lucky and was able to kill me :P second one.. well watch it ^-^
Last Edit: Jan 06, 2013, 04:49 pm by Eralis