Epic Perfect World

Custom Events List

Offline Nea

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This is a list of all events that are usually hosted.

Table of Contents |  10vs10 Events | Playoffs | Scheduled | PvE | PvP | Miscellaneous

Last Edit: Nov 18, 2017, 12:14 pm by Blink
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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10vs10 Events

Boys Vs Girls

10vs10 between the 2 genders, 2 of each class is the maximum allowed.

Winning side:                     Losing side:

2 Event Tokens                                                                         1 Event Token  
     120 Supply Tokens                                                                   60 Supply Tokens
   200 Epic Coins                                                                         100 Epic Coins  

If Boys win, they will receive the title [ Nail Polish Removal ]
If Girls win, they will receive the title [ Boys On a Stick ]
Title duration is 7 days.


Hell vs Heaven

10vs10 between the 2 cultivations,  2 of each class is the maximum allowed.

Winning side:                     Losing side:

2 Event Tokens                                                                         1 Event Token  
     120 Supply Tokens                                                                   60 Supply Tokens
   200 Epic Coins                                                                         100 Epic Coins  

If Hell side wins, they will receive the title [ Heaven Conqueror ]
If Heaven side wins, they will receive the title [ Hell got flowered ]
Title duration is 7 days.
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Last Edit: Oct 24, 2017, 07:48 am by Mana
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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     Table of Contents |  10vs10 Events | Playoffs | Scheduled| PvE | PvP | Miscellaneous

PvP Playoffs

Every other playoffs other than 1vs1 has a class limit of 1 per team.
These will apply to the following: 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 4v4

1st place:                           2nd place:                         3rd place:
3 Event Tokens                            2 Event Tokens                         1 Event Token
   300 Epic Coins                           200 Epic Coins                           100 Epic Coins
         300 Supply Tokens                    200 Supply Tokens                    100 Supply Tokens

These will apply to the following: 6vs6

1st place:                             2nd place:                                   3rd place:                                            4th place:          
   4 Event Tokens                 3 Event Tokens                 2 Event Tokens                         1 Event Token  
   400 Epic Coins                 300 Epic Coins                   200 Epic Coins                         100 Epic Coins
         400 Supply Tokens         300 Supply Tokens             200 Supply Tokens                   100 Supply Tokens
         8 Perfect Elements           6 Perfect Elements               4 Perfect Elements                   2 Perfect Elements

1vs1 Titles
The winner of this event will get the title [ Playoffs Winner ]
Winning 7 times will grant you the title [ Playoffs Bracket Destroyer ]
Winning 15 times will grant you the title [ Playoffs Champion ]
Winning 30 times will grant you the title [ Playoffs Conqueror ]

2vs2 Title
The winners of this event will get the title [ Duo Wreckers ]

3vs3 Title
The winners of this event will get the title [ Triple Kill ]

4vs4/6vs6 Title
The winners of this event will get the title [ Godlike ]
1vs1 Original thread
2vs2 Original Thread
3vs3 Original Thread
4vs4 Original Thread
6vs6 Original Thread
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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   Table of Contents |  10vs10 Events | Playoffs | Scheduled| PvE | PvP | Miscellaneous

Capture The Flag

A 4 teams 6v6 Event which mashes up Strategy, PvE and PvP into one.
The teams are registered via forum and cannot have more than 1 of each class.
The goal is to score as many points as possible by carrying them to your base NPC.


    1st place:                       2nd place:                           3rd place:                            4th place:                      
   4 Event Tokens                 3 Event Tokens                 2 Event Tokens                         1 Event Token  
   400 Epic Coins                 300 Epic Coins                   200 Epic Coins                         100 Epic Coins
         400 Supply Tokens           300 Supply Tokens           200 Supply Tokens                   100 Supply Tokens
         8 Perfect Elements           6 Perfect Elements             4 Perfect Elements                   2 Perfect Elements

Winning this event will grant you the title  
[ Flag Devourer ]

Original Thread


Crystal Contest

An event with same concept of a Territory War.
The goal is to destroy the enemy crystal in a 10vs10 Battle.
Registrations are via forums.
Your team must have 1 of each class.
Strategy and skill will prove the best.


 Winning side:                                                                            Losing side:
   10 Event Tokens                                                                       5 Event Tokens    
     600 Supply Tokens                                                                   300 Supply Tokens
   1000 Epic Coins                                                                       500 Epic Coins    
     16 Perfect Elements                                                                 8 Perfect Elements

Winning this event will grant you the title [ Godlike ]

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Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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Players vs Environment

     Table of Contents |  10vs10 Events | Playoffs | Scheduled| PvE | PvP | Miscellaneous

Needle in a Haystack

Huge waves of monsters will assault the cities.
The monsters will drop goodies but only one will drop the Chiwen Scale.


  Old Epic Coins
Event Tokens
Chiwen Scale

Original Thread


✶The Cube Race

The goal of this event is to be among the first 15 to reach Room 50 in the Cube of Fate.
The rewards will decrease as your place decreases.
Your race will be disturbed by monsters with goodies, challenging puzzles and other players!
PvP is allowed everywhere except the spawn area.


1st to 3rd place:                                4th to 10th place:                             11th to 15th place:
3 Event Tokens                             2 Event Tokens                               1 Event Token    
  400 Epic Coins                             200 Epic Coins                               100 Epic Coins    
     250 Supply Tokens                       180 Supply Tokens                       120 Supply Tokens  
     6 Perfect Elements                       4 Perfect Elements                         2 Perfect Elements

Original Thread along with a guide
1st to 3rd place winners will receive the title [ ✶Cube Runner ]


Fire Legion

Fire legion is a GM activated event. The quest can be taken at Village Spirit (666, 368).
You will get teleported to the village that's under attack.
Can be done once every 24 hours.


2 Event Tokens
50 Epic Coins  
       2 Perfect Elements

Original Thread


Save the Princess

Save the princess event is a GM activated Event. Once the event is activated, head to Galeroar Town (420, 215) and have fun.
There are 5 waves of mobs.
The king is inside the castle in this area.


       Mystical Elixirs
Epic Coins
     Event Tokens

Original Thread


Cave of Sadistic Glee

The Cave of Sadistic Glee (141 740) has been assaulted by waves of monsters. Defeat them to earn goodies.
Each monster has different drops.
The event has several waves.
The event is in a PvP arena. Blue name works well against pkers.


Epic Coins
       Mystical Elixirs
       Old Epic Coins
           Pure God Stones
Level Scroll
     Sacred Stones
                       Demonic Weapon Token
                 Championship Scroll

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Sumor Camp Assault

Sumor Camp (333, 825) has been assaulted by waves of monsters. Defeat them to earn goodies.
Each monster has different drops.
The event has several waves.


Epic Coins
       Mystical Elixirs
       Old Epic Coins
           Pure God Stones
Level Scroll
     Sacred Stones
                       Demonic Weapon Token
                 Championship Scroll

Original Thread
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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Players vs Players

Frenzy PvP / Sandsong

Chests will be spawned at Sandsong Village. The amount of chests depends on GM.
Players will dig the chests and be spawned into a randomly generated team.
The two teams will fight for the win.

Winning side:                      Losing side:

2 Event Tokens                                                                         1 Event Token  
     120 Supply Tokens                                                                   60 Supply Tokens
  200 Epic Coins                                                                         100 Epic Coins  

No titles are given.

Original Thread


Players vs GMs

PvP event between the Staff members and players.
Players will make a rainbow classes team and register via PM to the GM named in red chat.
The scale of the event is depending on how many staff members participate.


Winning side:                      Losing side:

2 Event Tokens                                                                         1 Event Token  
     120 Supply Tokens                                                                   60 Supply Tokens
200 Epic Coins                                                                         100 Epic Coins
         4 Perfect Elements                                                                   2 Perfect Elements  

The winners will get the title [ GM Slayer ]
Original Thread


Battlefield PvP

Battlefield is an event based on Last Man Standing concept in which 4 players will fight to death.
The last player alive will win.


Winning side:                     Losing side:

2 Event Tokens                                                                         1 Event Token  
     120 Supply Tokens                                                                   60 Supply Tokens
200 Epic Coins                                                                           100 Epic Coins
                                     4 Perfect Elements                                                                   2 Perfect Elements                              

Winning this event will grant you the title [ Survivalist ]
Original Thread


Kill the GM

This event is all about slaying the GM. It's your only opportunity to revenge for all those mutes and bans.
PvPing other people while the GM is alive isn't allowed.
Once the GM is killed, you are free to kill other people.
The event will have several rounds.


200 Epic Coins
  2 Event Tokens
       180 Supply Tokens
       3 Perfect Elements

Winning this event will grant you the title [ GM Slayer ]

Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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     Table of Contents |  10vs10 Events | Playoffs | Scheduled| PvE | PvP | Miscellaneous

1vs1 With Bets

Two fighters will be picked to fight out of those who register.
The fights will be streamed and each fighter will receive a manager.
Each manager will collect bets on their champion until a time runs out.
After the bets have been placed, fight will start.
The champions will get their rewards accordingly.
Those who did bet on winner will get their part from total amount of ec.


Winning side:                                                           Losing side:              

  4 Event Tokens                                                                       2 Event Token      
       240 Supply Tokens                                                                 120 Supply Tokens  
  400 Epic Coins                                                                       200 Epic Coins    
   4 Perfect Elements                                                                 2 Perfect Elements

No titles are given.

Original Thread


Chat events

These events will mostly consist of : trivias , fill-in the gaps, grammar quiz, movie quotes, scrambled words and so on.
The answers to these will be sent to the GM Hosting it
The rewards aren't fix. They can change depending on difficulty and the GM hosting.
The titles given to winners of these kind of events are [ Trivial ] , [ Scrambled ] or [ Word Nerd ]


Hide & Seek

The reward isn't fixed. It can change depending on difficulty and GM hosting.
The title given to winners is [ Super Seeker ]


Arena Chests

Arena chests event is a GM activated event. It consists of a big amount of chests with diverse rewards.
Bosses are spawned around once the chests are all gone.

Chests drop one of these:

  2 Mystical Elixirs
2 Level Scrolls
     2 Old Epic Coins
     2 Iron Ridgeknife
  2 Event Tokens

Bosses drop:
x 5 or 10 (depends on ID used)


Fashion Event

Hosted at Etherblade elder.
The amount of themes will be based on GMs hosting.


200 Epic Coins
       60 Supply Tokens
1 Event Token
       2 Perfect Elements

The title given to winners of this event is [ Fashionista ]

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Circles of Wisdom

This event will consist of 6 players teleported to guess which circle the GM hides in.
The amount of rounds is decided by the GM hosting.

Winning side:   Losing side:
4 Event Tokens                                                                           2 Event Tokens
       120 Supply Tokens                                                                     60 Supply Tokens
400 Epic Coins                                                                             200 Epic Coins  
                                                         4 Perfect Elements                                                                     2 Perfect Elements                                                                                    
Original Thread


Russian Roulette

A luck based game in which 10 people are teleported and shackled.
The damage 1shots anything, the last one to survive wins.
There will be several rounds.

5 Event Tokens
700 Epic Coins
       100 Supply Tokens
     3 Perfect Element

Winning this event will grant you the title [ Survivalist ]
Original thread


Will you be the last one to survive in the circles?

Winner Reward

120 Epic Coins
2 Event Tokens
120 Supply Tokens
4 Perfect Element

Survivalist Title

Original Thread


Trivia : Pique & Chuck

The two friends will compete at testing you. Get as many questions right and you shall be rewarded.
Each question answered correctly will grant you a chest.
Each npc has 8 quests, 16 in total.


1 Level Scroll
       5 Supply Tokens
  5 Epic Coins
     2 Ridgeknives
         2 Mystical Elixirs

No titles are given.

Last Edit: Oct 24, 2017, 07:56 am by Mana
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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Ooops, a bit too far?

Table of Contents |  10vs10 Events | Playoffs | Scheduled | PvE | PvP | Miscellaneous

Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline Nea

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If there are any mistakes , please let me know.
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game