Epic Perfect World

Im Leaving

Offline milco342

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OK farewell EPW i will miss you but i am leaving because of a hacker has got into my account and now i have nothing left so Cya all Sincerer tanker_
150 R8 barb tanker_
150 R8 sin Cant_see_me
150 R8 Mystic Flaba
150 R8 Seeker Seekz
150 R8 Barb Bangzas

Offline narmas

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damn sorry dude, maybe you will be back soon :sad:
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Offline Lolly

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Aw sorry to hear, hopefully we'll see you back some time though. D:

Lolly - 150 Ep | Lapras - 150 Wf | Crystal - 150 Ea
Sometimes it physically pains me to hold back my sarcastic comments.

Offline Nightstalk

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most likely like always.. you sometime have shared your info. same story each and every time.. you simply just don't get "hacked" without done it.. I have never shared any game accounts ever in my whole life. I have neither never got "hacked" or lost anything.

In the end it always comes out that "yeah i did share it one time with my friend.. but i trusted him"

oh well.. think about it..

good luck and bye  :-\
Last Edit: Nov 29, 2012, 12:22 am by Nightstalk


It's true, people don't really get "hacked." They share info with someone they thought they could trust and that person ends up screwing you over with it. Change your password and get a GM to change your safe code for you. It's not the end of the world.  :-X

This is why I NEVER, EVER share my info with anyone, not even my grandma. IJS

Offline kinggalinor

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It's true, people don't really get "hacked." They share info with someone they thought they could trust and that person ends up screwing you over with it. Change your password and get a GM to change your safe code for you. It's not the end of the world.  :-X

This is why I NEVER, EVER share my info with anyone, not even my grandma. IJS

Or they type their information on a website not knowing they giving their personal gaming information to a 3rd party site^.
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Offline kinggalinor

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Ik because I first done it when I first started playing rs 9years ago xD.
Kings Faith - Only thing worth buying is time.


People should know not to do that. lol I mean, come on. >.>

Or they type their information on a website not knowing they giving their personal gaming information to a 3rd party site^.

Offline kinggalinor

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I use to type alt acc on fake websites to see if its worth it but 2-3days later I see my alt acc gone xD.
Kings Faith - Only thing worth buying is time.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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yea he wasn't most likely hacked  :-\
why would an hacker get items from a normal account when he could "hack" our GM accounts?

just don't give out your information and you are safe  :-\

Offline Sylver

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- haks EvilTouch account and steals his teddy's >.< - xD
i agree with Nightstalk on this 1 , never shared never got problems is simple.

Offline Chire

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- haks EvilTouch account and steals his teddy's >.< - xD
i agree with Nightstalk on this 1 , never shared never got problems is simple.

yup same :/ only sharing with my hubby who I know for ages and guild leader who is like a brother to me. :3
KingCobra guides to dph and aps assasin. pay attention to the veri simple steps.
Aps assasin
1-donate ur house and live in a box to get 0.15 wrist on rank 8
2-get a genie with absolute domain,holy path,and 1 lv wind shield for 5 aps.
3-get shitload of wood pills and go ***ing pk

Dph assasin

1-Buy Rank 8 and pray allah for gof daggers and crit/dex on gear
2-Pray Allah for zerk+ crits and use earth rift like retarded  (Pray require minium of 6 hours a day for max gof proc)
...IF none of that work delete epic>go play Hello Kitty :normal-1:

Offline Kyan

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There is only to ways of getting "hacked"...

1st you share your info...
2nd you use a 3rd party prog, and that prog records your password...

No one would put a keylog or try over and over to get your password ina private server, where they will win nothing. As ET said if that would be the sace they would try to Hack one of the GM's,  sinse our acounts will probably have way more to be stealed then a normal players account.
Ty to lucy that made my awsome Siggy and avvy
GM alt Krypto

Offline Morridune

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Hack one of the GM's,  sinse our acounts will probably have way more to be stealed then a normal players account.

Lol encourage  much ;D