Epic Perfect World

Recommended Pets & Moods Guide


Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 11:03 am by Zoey


Gold Armor Deity as special skill
Pets with this ability: Astral Drake, Raging Bull, Fairy Fox, Tiny Toxic Terror, Spot, Zambo, Gremlin Hound, Corrupted Tree, Ancient Dragon, Dark Scorpion
Recommended mood: Valiant
Recommended skills: Pounce, Protect/Strong, Bleed (Flesh Ream), Heavy Load
Extra information: Having Gold Armor Deity as special skill allows you to get Valiant mood, which gives you the highest possible defense. Someone with maxed out stats would have up to 35 Defense points, 40 HP points,  106 defense levels and 70% damage reduction along with a constant immunity to stuns. The skills really depend on personal taste but I prefer having 2 stuns and keeping bleed, but for this reason I also have to have separate pets for magic and physical defense.

Combat Saint as special skill
Pets with this ability: Feral Wolf, Spoopy Ghost, Little Demon, White Tiger, Spirit Fox, Rotten Friend, Ram of Death, Ninetailed Shaman
Recommended mood: Stalwart
Recommended skills: Pounce, Protect/Strong, Bleed (Flesh Ream), Heavy Load
Extra information: Having Combat Saint as special skill doesn't allow you to get Valiant mood as the special ability itself provides the main defense. However, you can get further defense by getting the Stalwart mood to get extra 16 defense levels and also a self heal for the pet every 90 seconds.

Ice Stone Armor as special skill
Pets with this ability: Cold-Hearted Ape
Recommended mood: Indifferent
Recommended skills: Pounce, Protect/Strong, Bleed (Flesh Ream), Heavy Load
Extra information: --

Weakness Toxin as special skill
Pets with this ability:  Horned Toad, Garden Spider
Recommended mood: Valiant
Recommended skills: Pounce, Protect/Strong, Bleed (Flesh Ream), Heavy Load
Extra information: --

Loyal Dog as special skill
Pets with this ability: Primitive Wolf
Recommended Mood: ★Valiant
Recommended skills: Pounce, Protect/Strong, Bleed (Flesh Ream), Heavy Load
Extra information: As the only battle pet with the ability to steal aggro from players, a pet with the Loyal Dog ability is considered to be the most useful pet among the community. The target will stay on the pet for 4 seconds, allowing the owner to make an escape or engage in a fight without being hit by single attacks.

Comparison of listed special abilities with recommended moods:
Gold Armor DeityCombat SaintIce Stone ArmorWeakness Toxin
15k phys res15k phys res15k phys res15k phys res
18k mag res18k mag res18k mag res18k mag res
35 max Defense points20 max Defense points35 max Defense points35 max Defense Points
40 max HP points25 max HP points40 max HP points40 max HP points
106 max Defense Levels96 max Defense Levels100 max Defense Levels106 max Defence Levels
70% damage reduction60% damage reduction55% damage reduction55% damage reduction
Constant immunity to stunsHeals 80% HP every 90 secondsChance to evade attacksConstant immunity to stuns
30% HP bonus255% dmg reduction for 4 seconds
Loyal Dog
15k phys res
18k mag res
35 max Defense points
40 max HP points
106 max Defense Levels
Constant immunity to stuns
May steal aggro off targets for 4 seconds
Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 05:39 pm by Zoey


Rapid Shot as special skill
Pets with this ability: Deer, Damnation, Cruel Snowman, Swamp Goblin, Fat Bat, Feathered Raptor, Vulture, The Sentry, Corrupt Treeling, Void Kowlin
Recommended mood: Chivalrous
Recommended skills: Bleed (Flesh Ream), Claw, Pierce, Howl, Pounce, Heavy Load
Extra information: Having rapid shot as special ability will increase your pet's attack speed by 100% for 10 seconds every 20 seconds. The chivalrous mood is a good pair with an APS pet because it has a 4% chance to stun your target for 2 seconds while attacking, however with a fast hit rate this won't be as low as it sounds. It also gives your pet extra 6 attack levels. The skills and mood listed are pure attack boosts and stuns, so if you want any defense, go for some listed for tanky pets.

Bone Sickle as special skill
Pets with this ability: Tiger, Owl
Recommended mood: Courageous
Recommended skills: Bleed (Flesh Ream), Claw, Pierce, Howl, Pounce, Heavy Load
Extra information: Having bone sickle as special ability grants you a skill which deals 200% damage every 15 seconds. Since these pets aren't APS based but deal a higher damage with each attack, the Courageous mood is a good pair as it gives 9 extra attack levels. The skills and mood listed are pure attack boosts and stuns, so if you want any defense, go for some listed for tanky pets.

Comparison of listed special abilities with recommended moods:
Rapid ShotBone Sickle
7.6k phys attack11.4k phys attack
100 max Phys Attack points100 max Phys Attack points
106 max Attack Levels109 max Attack Levels
APS boosted by 100% for 10 seconds every 20 seconds200% damage dealt every 15 seconds
4% chance to stun for 2 seconds while attacking
Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 05:40 pm by Zoey


Rapid Shot as special skill
Pets with this ability: Deer, Damnation, Cruel Snowman, Swamp Goblin, Fat Bat, Feathered Raptor, Vulture, The Sentry, Corrupt Treeling, Void Kowlin
Recommended mood: Righteous
Recommended skills: Bleed (Flesh Ream), Claw, Blessing of the Pack, Howl, Pierce
Extra information: Having rapid shot as special ability will increase your pet's attack speed by 100% for 10 seconds every 20 seconds. With the righteous mood, you will get 15 demon hunting points (this is for PvE only, it boosts damage) and increased skill damage by 30% for monsters only. An APS pet paired with bleed can be very useful for venomancers, especially demon ones with 0def. However, since mobs also tend to hit hard and most bosses on the server AOE, it's recommended to get some defense on your pet as well so it won't get squished.
Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 11:06 am by Zoey


Special pet skills
1. Gold Armor Deity: Astral Drake, Raging Bull, Fairy Fox, Tiny Toxic Terror, Spot, Zambo, Gremlin Hound, Corrupted Tree, Ancient Dragon, Dark Scorpion
2. Combat Saint: Feral Wolf, Spoopy Ghost, Little Demon, White Tiger, Spirit Fox, Rotten Friend, Ram of Death, Ninetailed Shaman
3. Rapid Shot: Deer, Damnation, Cruel Snowman, Swamp Goblin, Fat Bat, Feathered Raptor, Vulture, The Sentry, Corrupt Treeling, Void Kowlin
4. Bone Sickle: Tiger, Owl
5. Phoenix Wings Flying: Phoenock
6. Tsunami: Demonic Anglerfish
7. Reborn In Fire: Snowman
8. Ice Stone Armor: Cold-Hearted Ape
9. Loyal Dog: Primitive Wolf
10. Weakness Toxin: Horned Toad, Garden Spider

Special Ability: The automatic skill pets have once you evolve them. This is always the last skill on your pet's skill bar.
Mood: Pet moods can be changed by mood training your pet in the Combat Pet Training window. The list of moods you can get is always based on your pet's special ability. Pet moods are 2 paired skills and you will randomly get them from the list. However, you need to pay attention to the stars in front of the mood name. To max it out, you need to roll a full star.
Points: Refers to the inherited stats of an evolved pet. These can be reshaped in the Combat Pet Training window.

* Guide contains 2015 Halloween and 2015 Christmas pets, however not the special pets from the past years.
* Guide contains 2016 Halloween pets, however Garden Spider will be changed to a defense type pet in order to be of good use.
* Please let me know if I missed some kind of important information, made a typo somewhere, grammar errors etc.

Stars ranking
Best to worst:
Filled star (★) > Empty star (☆) > No star
Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 12:13 pm by Zoey

Offline xXSwaneXx

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nice guide too bad nothing help you
i feel like i'm dead

Offline KrowMaet

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Thank you for Guide!  :pig-23: it really is usefull 

Offline M-,

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Did u really made this long thread :( ..

Offline ▽Astrid

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Thank you for guide,really useful  :-[

Offline Mars Attacks!

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Nobody even uses pets..


  • avatar
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  • rip insanity
Where is my ec for helping you with pets when you were clueless 


nice guide too bad nothing help you

Thank you for Guide!  :pig-23: it really is usefull
Thank you for guide,really useful  :-[
Thanks ladies  :normal-23:

Did u really made this long thread :( ..
Yeah boss

Nobody even uses pets..
It's probably one of the most important factors in wf 1v1s, so yes they do boss

Where is my ec for helping you with pets when you were clueless
That was my dude and e-mail date Xanadu 


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  • rip insanity
That was my dude and e-mail date Xanadu
? What did you say to me

Offline Adriel

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Nice guide im glad you made this now i dont gotta bug people that know how to work with veno pets :)


Nice guide im glad you made this now i dont gotta bug people that know how to work with veno pets :)
Thanks, I'm glad it helped  ^-^