Epic Perfect World

Disappointing opponent (Tyrants)

Offline Vanatorul

  • Old Player
  • Characters: Blank

Sorry mate but older atm must be ArchEnemy on epic atleast :) but good try 

Offline Herr Rev

  • Gott mit uns
  • Outcastian
  • Faction: Das reich, Outcasts☆

Sorry mate but older atm must be ArchEnemy on epic atleast :) but good try
Wat is arcjenemy category godsarmy LMFAOO OC exist before u play pw

Offline Vanatorul

  • Old Player
  • Characters: Blank
Wat is arcjenemy category godsarmy LMFAOO OC exist before u play pw

Thats why oc isnt even on tw map rofl :)))))))))


  • : D
yh good video man easy lmfao
skssksks and i oop and i oop skssksks and i oop, hi you must be new mhmm ! yeah this is my new hydro flask, * lip smack * oh you don’t have one? skssksks and i oop and i oop. um how do you make your friendship bracelets then? that’s kinda weird?  hmm well save the turtles * lip smack*  * peace sign * uMmm.. oh these? these are just my scrunchies ! i noticed you don’t have one ? * throws scrunchie * really you can keep that.. don’t even worry about it : ) * laugh *   skssksks and i oop and i oop. oh this?? * applies lipgloss * this is my new lip gloss. YEAH! I apply this like every 5 to ten minutes.. uh huh uh huh it’s my fav really .. TRY SOME : ) * hands over lip gloss * OH MY GOD your not wearing a big tee but DO NOT fret * laugh * i actually brought AN EXTRA : D here you go you can keep, don’t even worry! omg? that smell it’s actually my brand new victoria secret scent, ha , YEAH , bomb shell - you never heard ?hmm weird. right * begins to blush face * okay well , it was nice meeting you  skssksks and i oop and i oop * blows kiss to screen *

Offline hot_panini

  • Outcasts☆
  • Jim~ #1 Seeker
  • Characters: Hot_Panini
  • Faction: Outcasts☆
Sold their souls to OC

OC #1


Sold their souls to OC

OC #1
What is your opinion on cold paninis