Epic Perfect World

Patch v46

Offline angel292

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It says the server is online, but when i go to patch it just keeps saying preparing to update.

Offline Auriel

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not only sins are atacking u there if u dident know, little by little agatio u make sins lame in this rate if u listen to all cry babys who dont know how to use theyr classes , keep doing this if u whant to have only maq's on serv
maybe not, but sins have it ALOT easier. every other class is hit and miss. Sins KNOW who to target and can exploit that to the fullest. And frankly, as a sin, i find it EMBARASSING to stealth spark knowin peopl do that.  >.>
150 Sage seeker   AurielXarxes
147 Demon sin   Hircine

Offline narmas

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Patch looks like an improvement to me. NS has been plagued by sins using stealth for a long time. I did the old stealth kill there a few time myself when playing sin and I have had my mage killed there many times by sins and after i die i return to fight but they just stealth and hide. I say its time to try some new things, if people like it better the old way we can always go back
Atari 150 wb
Villain 150 Sin
Rufio 150 Wizzzzz
Motion 150 Psy

Offline twiddler1

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wah wah boohoo all the fricking cry babies in here jeez its just for NS find some place else to go if u wanna sneak up on some1.
We are all a little crazy, just some more than others .

Offline Sleip

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Im in favor of stealth removal, and im a sin. Instance was made to farm crystals/ec, not farm unsuspecting people.

Although i think that the mistake in the first place was to make EC drop able in there, thats why guardian charms were made for. Im positive making crystals drop normal EC would be the best solution to all the QQ. You wanna farm ec, go farm ec, you wanna pvp, go pvp. As simple as that

Offline Auriel

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Agatio, man i LOVE this server. I wish i had come here a long time ago. This update is awesome, im really impressed with how fast you got some content. But... i dont think nerfing sins in NS is fair.

This is why - yes i do agree that sins using the morai skill to check inventory, Spark+, rape, and stealth, this isnt fair. But Making sins totally obsolete in NS is not the way to fix it. If they want protection from sins they can make apoth or call some guildies to help you farm. This adds a group element to the game.

The best thing about this server is how balanced and farmable it is. That is your money maker. With this last update you just made it alittle more unbalanced for one class. How is it fair to sins who will get one or two shot as soon as they leave SZ?

 Please reconsider this, you have done a VERY good job with balancing classes, I know it isnt easy. But people love this server the way it is, yes people QQ that will never stop no matter what you do. Hell...im QQing right now, but i also think i have a valid point here.

What if you added a 5 minute detection pot as a drop? Make the drop raito to where they dont always have that item, but a good 70 to 80% of the time. That way the class isnt totally obsolete. Idk, its just an idea.
i know where you're coming from. And i think every point you made was valid. but remember, Sins can still stealth FC and PV as well as being pro vana runner, making them a master mat farming class. Meaning they also master money makers, able to sell what they get, and buy what they need. And what sins cant farm easily, a seeker can, so to have both will have you set. And stealthing PV takes like 1.5-3 minutes tops, and its 4-5 ec per run. Even if you take your sweet time, that's still at LEAST 80 ec an hour, with a possible 300+ if you buckle down. So sins are still in the game, it will just take some creativity. And who knows? Maybe this may turn out to be better for everyone, INCLUDING sin. And if this patch IS a dud, Aga can easily change it back no trouble. Think of it as a trial run.  :)

A trial run with a 85-90% chance of being permanant  ;P
150 Sage seeker   AurielXarxes
147 Demon sin   Hircine

Offline DoomRazor

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new look for r 8
ty for it r8 was so dam ugly!
ohh and ns now i can find  sins on my psy better this is why i never pk on sin aga hate sins lol always wait for a nerf

Offline maelenz

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How to install this new patch...??

Thanks for the reply  :smiley: ;)

Offline Auriel

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Yes, thats true. Im just trying to think of alternative solutions because i personally dont think the change is fair to some.. that is all. Its not going to damage the server with it the way it is now. Nobody in there right mind is going to RQ over this.
Honestly, if someone is gonna RQ over something like this, maybe they should just play Elder Scrolls IV and enchant their armor with 120% chameleon and kill random people like that. Tho its not an MMO so yea lol. And if you HAVE to stealth others, u could just do Assassins Creed online play and assassinate peeps that way. Tho a RQer would likely bitch when they get assassinated back. ijs lol  xD
150 Sage seeker   AurielXarxes
147 Demon sin   Hircine

Offline DoomRazor

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How to install this new patch...??

Thanks for the reply  :smiley: ;)
just open patcher and if u wanna manual update use it

Offline twiddler1

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auto patch is working fine for me just took a lil while for it to showing any progress on the bar but now its about 75% done
We are all a little crazy, just some more than others .

Offline Auriel

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To make "fair" just remove the peek skill in NS. Do not remove a basic skill of a sin. Archers can't peek, so how is it fair to them? Next you will tell me that stealthing at all is unfair and raise the detection lvl on the whole map. How about blocking BM stunn and HF there, clerics healing, or wizs mountain crush?
Good point with the inv peek skill, but i highly doubt Aga can disable a move for an entire class in a certain place. And honestly, dont use HF, RotP, healing, and mountain crush as excuses. Those skills along with sins stealth ARE key class moves, but stealth can be abused, the others cant. Pls quit qqing about this, you've made it obvious that you are a steath killer who is butt-hurt about losing his buzz. Things are fair, now pls take your medicine b4 we tranq you and ship you to a cookoo hut or research lab for weird, butt related experiements   :tiger-2:
150 Sage seeker   AurielXarxes
147 Demon sin   Hircine

Offline Auriel

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QQ stealth, QQ life, QQ kiting, QQ menoknowhowtoplay. Need any more?
Atleast we have something somewhat constructive to say, why even post bs like this?
150 Sage seeker   AurielXarxes
147 Demon sin   Hircine

Offline Auriel

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First off, You don't have to farm at NS. Sins have highest dps in game plus they can stealth through instance with maximum speed which no other class can making it at least three times easier to farm with sin than any other class.

On the PvP note, most of the arguments here aren't even good. There's other classes with low defenses and they don't complain about getting ganked once they leave Safe zone. Also, sins got many more advantages than stealth itself. Highest number of CC skills in game? An inability to have their charm bypassed? 2 out of 3 times negative effect won't work? Two run skills, two teleport skills? Three chi skills with relatively short cooldowns? And of course, highest dps in game of all classes.

And I don't understand all the people saying that sins have been nerfed. Where? You can't have gof + int easily but it's not so different on other servers as well. I haven't seen any change to sins whatsoever during this half year that 1.4 has been here.
Exactly  :D
150 Sage seeker   AurielXarxes
147 Demon sin   Hircine

Offline metalheadvt

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Instead of making it so that everyone has a stealth detection lvl of 210 in NS which is not a good idea, you could of setup a npc that sells special stealth detection pots.  Now one could make it so that these pots are only useable inside the instance just, like cata scrolls are for tw.