Hahahaha all i got to say about that
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.
I'm thankful for my friends that put up with me both online and real life. I'm thankful for my grandmother , we fight day in and day out, but she's the reason I've kept myself out of any real trouble for 20 years. I'm thankful for my uncle me and him have an awesome family related relationship that gets me through everyday and he's always there for me. I'm thankful for my best friend, although I do miss her, when she was about she was always positive for me when things were negative, I'm thankful for every teacher I've ever had from pre-k to my current professors in college. Every time I get a new teacher they always teach me some sort of tool I can use for the rest of my life, whether big or small. I'm thankful for my 2nd Dad (my best friend's dad) I love him very much. I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters. The twins who always keep in contact with us in Texas (and keep my Dad outta trouble) my mom's oldest (one day<3).The 2nd oldest my brother who is active in the army, but still tries to touch base now and then back home. Second to the youngest who beats the odds against him every day and I'm proud of him for that. And the youngest who sets goals for herself on a daily basis. I'm thankful for the fact I've had no real life threatening issues (so far in life) because I know there's so many less lucky than I. I'm thankful I've yet to have been homeless. I'm thankful for my health, because so far in life I've had no major health issues. I'm thankful for anyone (good or bad) I've crossed paths with in my life so far. I'm thankful for my 2nd bestie, we've known each other only 2 years, but I can basically talk to her about anything. I'm thankful for my senses because life would be a lot different if I was missing any of them. I'm thankful for the color blue (because I flipping love that color) I'm thankful that I can wear clean clothes on my back everyday. I'm thankful for my heart, because I've put it under a lot of stress, but it's yet to have given up on me (McDonald's now makes me sick so it no longer had to worry about that) I'm thankful for my body. Every day I put physical labor on it, that I know it hates, but it still gets up with me the next morning and does it again. I'm thankful for you reading this post phew lemme shut up now I'm not putting anymore xD