Epic Perfect World

Artifex PVP - Superiority - EA PoV

Offline PedroSner

  • #TeamSner
  • Disbanded Tyrants, Siege, Savagery ,Hangover, AG, AE, Cardinals,and made them RQ to a diff server
  • Characters: PedroSner/ Sner
  • Faction: Artifex Leader
+1 at instagram filters they are worst thing people started using on videos

LOLOL woooowwwwww i see how it is Emily
Disbanded Tyrants, Siege, Savagery ,Hangover, AG, AE, Cardinals,and made them RQ to a diff server. After that went to that server disbanded them there and disbanded that server aswell.

Offline BriEsT

  • Don
LOLOL woooowwwwww i see how it is Emily
 Retard always with 5 eps and 4 mystics , noob player cant even 1v1 randoms ........

Offline zRainx

  • zRainx#5434

Offline Mihi

  • Old Player
  • Characters: _Achilles
  • Faction: Artifex

PS: Video was shit

Offline Kev

  • Old Player
  • Characters: Aladdin Skane Shrowd IIIIIIIIII
  • Faction: Team69
Makes me want to take part in these big pks cool videos but I hate filters xD :rolleyes: