Epic Perfect World


Offline Kurt

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  • KurtWiz - 150
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I read the link and I totally agree with what it is saying. No matter how good it makes you feel, but the people we play with have feelings too. It may seem easy to say something rude to someone online, but doing so doesn't make you a better person. I recommend everyone to take a moment to read it.

Offline Rhelanna

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My question is why do people still continue to send newbie’s to VOS to level? Sure it is easy to afk level there but seriously the FCC is best location to level from 110-130 no matter your class. I have leveled up every class except my BM this way, 110-130 FCC, 130-140 TT, 140-150 Lunar……notice the pattern here, no? They are all caves therefore no one can ks, pk, pvp you are in there alone (or with a friend) and leveling faster than you ever will AOE leveling anywhere else. Don’t believe me? Go watch how Elly’s video she posted on how to properly run the Lunar to level fast, it can apply to every cave out there you just have to practice. That is how everyone should be leveling to avoid all this drama, or that at least what I tell my new guildie’s to do, with a lot of success  8) .

My ing husband tried soloing FCC the other night on his lvl 134 BM. He had barb buffs, cleric buffs, and bm buffs. As soon as he got to Holan, he got killed every attempt. He even had his cleric buffer toon in there. No go. Had to have me bring my bm in to help him take down Holan. Holan hits hard and sometimes those hits come in too fast for the hp charm cool down and it gets you killed.

Offline darknae

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agreed, holan is nasty but if your just leveling there is no reason to kill anything past Oceania. If im not mistaken, id have to run it again but the only boss that needs to be killed is the first one. Then just make sure to kill the door mini bosses and then reset and repeat. The only reason to kill the bosses is for the mats. If you have to kill bosses then a lvl 134 bm,ea,wiz, wb, wf, cleric etc can kill all of them except for holan he cant be solo'd till 140+ or he can but you have to be a wb fully decked out in g16 gear.

For 130-140 your hubby should be in full g16 gear and running the tt's, just make sure he uses his stun lots and sutras.
Your greatest enemy is your own ego

Offline Rhelanna

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We were killing Holan for the mats to make the G16 gear. :P  He just wanted to see if he could solo it. And he couldn't, so he had me come help him with Holan. rofl.