Epic Perfect World

★ ☆ ✰Free char Presets✰ ☆ ★

Offline Аlex

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somebody got a cool male seeker ini?

Offline Zorata

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Use Hustler Hat in Hairstyles.
Eternal Love Suit, Eternal Love Pants, Eternal Love Shoes.    :tiger-2: :tiger-2:

Offline Shattox

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Here a male Seeker/Mystic ~

Offline ᴰᴱᴬᴰ†

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 :normal-4: :normal-4: :normal-4: :normal-4:


Code: [Select]
scaleUp = 99
scaleMiddle = 110
scaleDown = 82

idFaceShape1 = 25
idFaceShape2 = 25
blendFaceShape = 50

scaleFaceH = 94
scaleFaceV = 121
idFaceTex = 5

idFalingSkin = 434
idFalingTex = 436

offsetForeheadH = 138
offsetForeheadV = 128
offsetForeheadZ = 128
rotateForehead = 128
scaleForehead = 128

offsetYokeBoneH = 130
offsetYokeBoneV = 105
offsetYokeBoneZ = 130
rotateYokeBone = 128
scaleYokeBone = 128

offsetCheekH = 165
offsetCheekV = 121
offsetCheekZ = 137
scaleCheek = 127

offsetChainV = 146
offsetChainZ = 137
rotateChain = 128
scaleChainH = 95

offsetJawH = 168
offsetJawV = 128
offsetJawZ = 128
scaleJawSpecial = 128
scaleJawH = 128
scaleJawV = 128

idThirdEye = 0
idEyeBaseTex = 439
idEyeHighTex = 561
idEyeBallTex = 9
idEyeShape = 36
scaleEyeH = 125
scaleEyeV = 125
rotateEye = 124
offsetEyeH = 126
offsetEyeV = 135
offseteyeZ = 124
scaleEyeBall = 125
scaleEyeH2 = 125
scaleEyeV2 = 125
rotateEye2 = 124
offsetEyeH2 = 126
offsetEyeV2 = 135
offseteyeZ2 = 124
scaleEyeBall2 = 125

idBrowTex = 8
idBrowShape = 352
scaleBrowH = 128
scaleBrowV = 128
rotateBrow = 163
offsetBrowH = 83
offsetBrowV = 150
offsetBrowZ = 128
scaleBrowH2 = 128
scaleBrowV2 = 128
rotateBrow2 = 163
offsetBrowH2 = 83
offsetBrowV2 = 101
offsetBrowZ2 = 128

idNoseTex = 1
idNoseTipShape = 16
scaleNoseTipH = 99
scaleNoseTipV = 101
scaleNoseTipZ = 128
offsetNoseTipV = 146
idNoseBridgeShape = 15
scaleBridgeTipH = 65
offsetBridgeTipZ = 122

idMouthUpLipLine = 91
idMouthMidLipLine = 88
idMouthDownLipLine = 92
thickUpLip = 149
thickDownLip = 123
scaleMouthH = 96
offsetMouthV = 128
offsetMOuthZ = 128
idMouthTex = 14
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial = 128
scaleMouthH2 = 96
offsetCornerOfMouthSpecial2 = 128

idEarShape = 21
scaleEar = 89
offsetEarV = 136

idHairModel = 942
idHairTex = 952

idMoustacheTex = 0
idMoustacheSkin = 0
idGoateeTex = 0

colorHair = 6897682
colorFace = -396572
colorEye = -1516879
colorBrow = 6897682
colorMouth = 7675155
colorEyeBall = -6507181
colorMoustache = -1

bodyID = 1
colorBody = -396572
headScale = 123
upScale = 90
waistScale = 96
armWidth = 95
legWidth = 97
breastScale = 103

Signature by Lonicera
✞ If my wings should fail me, Lord. Please meet me with another pair✞
(  ㅅ  )      α===B
Anyone know the code for jack o latern/pumpkin head for barb?? would be appreciated, thankyou

Offline Treatment

  • L' Extreme Meme
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i need a cute psy male ini   :'( i will give u bacon  :-\

Offline Mάx

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post for a fren :-(BM ini)

Offline Caspin

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Looking for ini that looks like this.

Will be willing to pay for it if needbe, please and thank you.

Offline ★Iffy★

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Looking for ini that looks like this.

Will be willing to pay for it if needbe, please and thank you.

This guy. I make you ini you give lots O free itens. kthxnbai

Offline Deli_Kitty

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Funny eye textures for tideborns (I used pure red color for all these samples):

Im sure there are many other that I still didnt have chance to explore. First I was trying out random numbers but then I tried use hair textures on eyes and it worked perfectly! So try out some other textures on eyes and play with it, Im sure you gonna find lots more!!

P.S. Im currently making tests on other classes too, Ill keep you updated how it went!
Last Edit: Aug 21, 2014, 02:31 pm by Deli_Kitty
Somebody have a cool/handsome/scary ini for male Sin? Willing to pay! :rolleyes:

Can any1 make Ini code of those veno D: or something similar
or this

thanks and gl ;)

Offline Maxime

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Funny eye textures (I used pure red color for all these samples):

Im sure there are many other that I still didnt have chance to explore. First I was trying out random numbers but then I tried use hair textures on eyes and it worked perfectly! So try out some other textures on eyes and play with it, Im sure you gonna find lots more!!

This is king

Offline Loralei

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♥ Seeker :D

Edit:Let me know if anyone wants the presets I am posting :3
Can I have this preset too? :3
Last Edit: Aug 05, 2014, 06:37 pm by Loralei
Loralei - 150 Sage Sin
Lunae - 150 Demon Archer
TaiaLeonhart - 150 Sage Seeker
Lunarei - 145 Sage Cleric
KarIiah - 145 Sage Venomancer
Xatai - 150 Demon Wizard
Noxwood - 135 Demon Blademaster
Loralai - 124 Psychic
_Lykaios_ - 136 Sage Barbarian
Zethyr - (pending) Mystic
NightingaIe - 123 Sage Archer

Offline Sylar

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  • "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."
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