Epic Perfect World

Weekly events for different time zones

Offline shadowvzs

  • Old Player
i have a suggestion :p

since we got different time zone users and example for east/middle eu players crap that event time sucks what good for usa users or asian users i suggest more weekly event/day..

how could it work?

dragon palace event (tuesday)/netherbeast event(wednesday)/wushu-martial arts event(thursday)
(8pm/8:50pm in server time with regular event time, but this 12pm or 0:50 am for east eu users)

so possible make 2 a day? like dragon palace at 4pm and at 8pm BUT each account could join only 1x/day to weekly events...

ideea how to make it?
1. maybe work with similiar quest (lets say Weekly ticket quest) like account stash quest where the quest take effect to all character on account, so if possible then when player join to event then get a something(timed quest or item) and when event over this thing dissapear and the Weekly ticket quest failing or completed and u cant join that day to another event if u dont have this Weekly ticket quest.

2. if possible make a timed item like blessing box what cant be traded or move to different slot, and put automatical to account stash (and player cant move out from there) when player join to event then this item replaced to different timed item what takes only last 1-2h (till normal weekly events over), if player want join to event and dont have the 1st or 2nd item then cant join to event.

(for filtering then player who allowed to join to event or no, we can give then entering quests to a npc and put to a hidden dungeon, make a event npc to regular world what teleport you to this dungeon if u are allowed to join the event)

if this way can be solved the could be pretty nice and atleast cant join same account 2x 1 day to same event.
150 Demon Assassin
150 Sage Wizzard
150 Sage Barbarian
149 Demon Archer
148 Sage Seeker
14x Demon Barbarian
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146 Sage Barbarian
145 Sage Assassin
and other lower level sage mystic/psy/archer :D

Offline hotflamie

  • avatar
  • Limit the hating.
Yh i would love it if you could change some of the event times, now that you changed them its impossible for many eu users to do them and tw aswell....

The two time thingy does seem a bit complicated

but to all gms:

could you have diff time zones each month? (switching between old eu friendly timezone and the new eu unfriendly timezone) this way every1 would get some part of it..
SkyAngelz-Demon Archer
(self-proclaimed semi pro ea+pro kiter, your QQ is my proof xD)
Sinz-Demon Sin
Forget about me. Soon you wish you had.
Live now, tomorrow is just another today
Skyz - currently being lvled - Demon BM

Credit to jujubeez for the awesome sig:3