Epic Perfect World

Effects and Chances for all Procs

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Good Guide Thank you!

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Offline Herushei

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Very good thread btw. Thank you

Thank you and you're welcome =)

Offline Saph

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Offline Areashiii

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What is that determination proc.

Offline Herushei

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What is that determination proc.

That would be a question for @Agatio

He compiled the chances of proc's activating, I only compiled their exact effects.

Chances are EU has slight differences from International wording so some of the effect chances he listed have different names in comparison to the ones I listed.

Offline Nea

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This applies? It says that gloom has 30% tho, which cant be really true, idk
but determination shows as 5%
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline sakurabak

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I hate that spirit blackhole on demon archers.  With almost 2.5 aps (or close to that) they debuff everyone every 8 secs (3x faster then a real debuffer-veno). A veno needs to get really close to the target, demon ea just  debuffs from 35 meters range (they also hit much harder and kill faster then any other class). This is P A T H E T I C...
Only a blind person would not see this as something utterly unfair and wrong.
An awful balancing, a horrible job!
P.S. Now I am hearing, the speed is about 2.0 aps... nonetheless.. it is way too high.
Please equip r8 bow with a stun or immobilize to fix this aspect of the game. Thank you.
Last Edit: Sept 11, 2014, 12:02 pm by sakurabak

Offline Xeli

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Nice guide  :smiley:

Offline Balnazar

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Nice guide. Thank you. :)
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Nea

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I hate that spirit blackhole on demon archers.  With almost 2.5 aps (or close to that) they debuff everyone every 8 secs (3x faster then a real debuffer-veno). A veno needs to get really close to the target, demon ea just  debuffs from 35 meters range (they also hit much harder and kill faster then any other class). This is P A T H E T I C...
Only a blind person would not see this as something utterly unfair and wrong.
An awful balancing, a horrible job!
You will qq of blackhole purge everywhere, right?  just for ur own info, only aps that a blackhole hit can be is 2.00, any other higher than that requires 2x int boots, which only 2 EAs on server have, and they dont own 3x int wrist and 2x int top, the fact that it purges 3x faster, not true either, its only luck based...ur purge is 100% chance(ofc if u are not dumb enough to purge on immune/faith) the fact that u rely on your buffs so much to survive makes it pathetic, how come only u QQ about the purge, and no other WF on server...?
Retired GM. Inf has been MIA for a while now and GMs can not update/patch the game

Offline ~TheQueenB~

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thanks for this nice guide, really helpful :D
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Offline sakurabak

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You will qq of blackhole purge everywhere, right?  just for ur own info, only aps that a blackhole hit can be is 2.00, any other higher than that requires 2x int boots, which only 2 EAs on server have, and they dont own 3x int wrist and 2x int top, the fact that it purges 3x faster, not true either, its only luck based...ur purge is 100% chance(ofc if u are not dumb enough to purge on immune/faith) the fact that u rely on your buffs so much to survive makes it pathetic, how come only u QQ about the purge, and no other WF on server...?

I know that you can have 2.0 aps. I rely on my buffs because even with around 85 def lvls and 20k p.def (after I get debuffed), I die after 3 secs. If you are that smart, go and pk without buffs. Just convince your whole faction (whichever it may be) to pvp without buffs. I wil personally make sure, you guys all die without even knowing what hit you.
I am always talking from in-game experience, it has happened too often lately, that i was getting purged by archers with 1st or 2nd hit. This is a load of crap, seriously. So with this set of skills, a demon archers just presses quickshot and auto attacks, because purge is the strongest weapon in game (better then stuns, seals, immobilizess or whatever). I'd rather keep gettign stunned by an archer, er even "bewitched", but not debuffed like this.
This is what i liek to complain about , a self-playing skills.
Archers- using 2 buttons.
Op geared sins- just auto attacking (because attacks with high aps tend to have delays, even for archers speed).
Hey i am just a dumb player that always talks crap, why would anyone of you, amazing brains ever listen to me!


Hey i am just a dumb player that always talks crap, why would anyone of you, amazing brains ever listen to me!
I agree, why would I listen to you when you are just another random crying about archers

Offline Areashiii

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I hate that spirit blackhole on demon archers.  With almost 2.5 aps (or close to that) they debuff everyone every 8 secs (3x faster then a real debuffer-veno). A veno needs to get really close to the target, demon ea just  debuffs from 35 meters range (they also hit much harder and kill faster then any other class). This is P A T H E T I C...
Only a blind person would not see this as something utterly unfair and wrong.
An awful balancing, a horrible job!
P.S. Now I am hearing, the speed is about 2.0 aps... nonetheless.. it is way too high.
Please equip r8 bow with a stun or immobilize to fix this aspect of the game. Thank you.
I agree.