Epic Perfect World

To make up for it...

Offline Coffee

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I think a full day of events when the server is back up is in need! Myself and others (gunna try to get them on board) will do events all day. You guys can vote and throw out events you wanna see. We wanna make sure you guys have fun after all this waiting :(

Offline xlKosakerou

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It's sounds goood :)
KosaKeroU- Demon BM 150 lvl
TechSin-Demon Assassin 150 lvl
EpiicEp-Sage Cleric 142 lvl

Offline AlicE

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I would like to see extra tiger event if it's possible :P
Also, something like cube event 2 days ago, and maybe some races or stuff similar to Rancor, but better :D

Offline Coffee

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I will do tiger event today, I was thinking something easy and goofy for boss events, maybe a 1v1 event or i can do a real epic football game, some h & S, trivia. The works. Im not sure what the cube event was but when Neith gets on i'll ask if it can be done ^_^

Offline Neith

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I would like to see extra tiger event if it's possible :P
Also, something like cube event 2 days ago, and maybe some races or stuff similar to Rancor, but better :D

Nice to see that someone liked it :)

If I will have time, will do this again.
And maybe this time with few improvments ;)

In general, I like Coffee idea and will try to help with events and make them  :)
With great power, comes great responsibility

Got questions? Screenshots? Always can write me a letter or PM on skype:
Email: [email protected]     Skype: amarthxx

Offline AlicE

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Yeah, it was awesome, Neith. You shall know that your work doesn't go unnoticed so keep up the creativity :P

Offline Theodin

  • Marshal UnderOath
  • Whoo I get to say something!..... But what?
I would appreciae any events PVE that u guys wouold like to sponsor for us.... his is again one more reason I will never leave this server, none of the many many others I have been on would have thought to have a game day for thier players after suffering an accident while implementing a scammer fix for us.

Well truth be told they would have never implmented the scammer fix and have told us to deal with  it lmao.

U guys are really just toooo awesome and reallly great to ur players.

Theodin-----148 Demon Seeker
Z_Ha_Dum-146 Demon Cleric

Offline Neith

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Yeah, it was awesome, Neith. You shall know that your work doesn't go unnoticed so keep up the creativity :P

This idea wasn`t made by me. It was suggested by few people on our forum :) need to thank them, for this great idea :)
With great power, comes great responsibility

Got questions? Screenshots? Always can write me a letter or PM on skype:
Email: [email protected]     Skype: amarthxx

Offline AlicE

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You could easily ignore it, but you didn't and for that we thank you :)

Offline OffTarget

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scavenger hunt  for items we have to actually kill certain lvl mobs to get ( like dq items) or farm herbs  stuff you can get out of a shop  or even make certain items since we all have blacksmith, tailor n such. and not one item at a time make a list  for example 5 certain dq  10 tranquil herbs( or any herb of your choice) n make one 2 star lvl 5 item (of your choice)    just an idea   have the reward be to first  so many players to finsih the first  one getting the grand prize :)

Offline Theodin

  • Marshal UnderOath
  • Whoo I get to say something!..... But what?
Between re-lvl'ing and events u guys are keeping us too busy to think about the roll back... Thanks for everything

Theodin-----148 Demon Seeker
Z_Ha_Dum-146 Demon Cleric

Offline tragedy

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The events would be better if you guys could spread them out a bit more. For instance the exp mobs you spawned last night / yesterday was a good idea...but you only spawned a few in one area and that spot was FREAKISHLY crowded. Everyone was complaining. But the thing is...ALL your events (even before this recent rollback) are like this. I never attend the GM events because of this reason. There's nothing but people everywhere and KS'ing all the time. It's nothing but a lag-fest of disappointment. I like your event ideas, it just doesn't seem like they're thought all the way through. This is a very large and populated server. I'm not trying to put anyone down and I know it sounds like I'm QQ'ing, but please when you do your events you should spawn the mobs and / or bosses in at least 3 different spots so people aren't always fighting for the same things to kill / gather.
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
- Albert Einstein

Offline Psychosis

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Plus Christina doesn't know how to do hints (Psychosis/Michael) Ninjas should do some today after the server is back up.
Legit-WB Asesinato-WR Aero- MG Altair- Sin
String- EA Psychosis- Psy Peermato- EP
Vortex- Seeker Pot- EP Bowydude- EA
 aoki- DB McDiehler- SB Flexing- WF

Offline muffinbabez

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I just wanted to say thank you for all that you guys do <3
Thankies for the events, you guys spoil us.
So here's a cute kitty gif ;)

♥PedroSner Forever ♥
[6:00 PM] Pedro: LOL Faeluna forever TeamSner + EdateSner

Offline Mayo

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There should be some mobs with phyical immue and there elemental def low so mag players get more mobs.
Just an idea lol
MERCER- 150 R8 Sage Psy
Vergel- 150 R8 Demon Mystic
Helller- 150 R8 Demon Wiz
Xehli- 150 R8 Demon Archer
AceVno- 150 R8 Demon Veno
Clressill- 150 Demon Assassin
Astrotic- 150 Cleric
And Counting.