Epic Perfect World

I have noticed this alot

Offline Skitzo

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Well lately there has been alot, and I mean ALOT of people selling or buying Mass Quantities  of EC in world chat for outside of game currency ,take Load for example. In my opinion, since account trading is illegal shouldn't selling ingame items for real currency be illegal as well? I'm sure if the GM's would ban anyone caught doing that it would cut down on alot of the greedy little childish people that horde EC or simply camp people that work hard to get their EC. Before anyone says "oh hes raging" or "oh hes QQing" Im sure alot of people would agree. I have played a few different games where that rule was enforced and it worked quiet well for the community.

Offline ☠EvilTouch☠

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they TRY to sell them for another things other than LOAD.
but they never actually ;)
they are banned in 3 seconds lol
so dont worry we ban them ;)
but thanks for caring.

Offline Barbie

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It's in the game rules, selling anything at all for real money will result in a ban. That won't stop people from trying though

Offline Lolly

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It's in the game rules, selling anything at all for real money will result in a ban. That won't stop people from trying though
Agreed :normal-42:

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Offline JHIN

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It's in the game rules, selling anything at all for real money will result in a ban. That won't stop people from trying though
i quit barb just playin' support classes i am no good in 1v1.

i give up PK too hard everyone too stronk. i guess i'm forever noob x.x

Offline Balnazar

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It's in the game rules, selling anything at all for real money will result in a ban. That won't stop people from trying though
^^Lmao! True story! :D
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline OnlyTheBrave

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Just screenshot and send it to a GM. In addition this can also cause a lot of fun ( for you, not for the GMs though)
You see the person raging about a ban for nothing, while you actually know why they got banned, jajajaja. They'll keep qq'ing and accusing the GM that they did it out of racistical reasons and then they get even more bans due to complaining all the time about it in WC.

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Offline Skitzo

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Well its good to see alot of positive feedback on this, instead of the negative i was half expecting lol. Also good to know the gm's do ban them for that stuff keep up the good work xD