Epic Perfect World

Best of Class. Very late response(not a troll)

Offline KadeN/BornLegend

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Since I was away for so long, I've never got chance to post my opinion in this thread before it was locked. A lot of you would not care of this post, well igaf, a friend requested this so let me break it down, who's the best of best.

BM - Insanity(Also the best goat trader in the east), Robbert, Silence
MG - Sparker, Clemy, Covenant
EP - RICE, Zilara, Liit
EA - Delay, Deviate,
Barb - Savi, Shaun's barb forgot the name,
VENO - This is easy Aelana and elly
Sin - Adjin ( a lot of you don't know he learned playing sin from me), Gakido(He's also racist), Aereshi
Psychic - Cynix, Daichi
Mystic -
Seeker - Rance (With Nirvana gears on me and him roll 12vs2 J4f faction, real shit )
Faction: Outcast and NoHomo.
Best GM: Coffee( Yall forgot to label this)
Darkest person ingame: Vimal(I'am not racist don't judge me)
I just got back in this server, I'm looking forward to see everyone ingame soon. Gank me as soon as I log in bye!..


Since I was away for so long, I've never got chance to post my opinion in this thread before it was locked.

Um, there's a reason for that. It was locked. You weren't supposed to post your opinion.

Offline Elly

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Elly - 150 Sage venomancer
Decipher - 150 Demon mystic

[22:32:11] Chad: the name rev
[22:32:13] Chad: is foul language

Offline Fab

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BM - Insanity(Also the best goat trader in the east)

Darkest person ingame: Vimal(I'am not racist don't judge me)

 :normal-2: :normal-13: :normal-2:

Offline Muffin

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Insanity(Also the best goat trader in the east)



u try be funny?


BM - Insanity(Also the best goat trader in the east)

Offline Fab

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My list:

Wr - Insanity, Silence, Robbert
MG - Clemy, qt, Boob
EP - Zilara, Lilt, ChicaBomb, Rev, Medication, Hye_Su (Jin<3)
EA - Deviate, Rass, Seel, Plur (insta ea, yeh, but i've pk'd with/against him and he knows how and when to use every single skill to survive which is rather valuable), Ulquiorra
Barb - Savi, DRAKE, WasteDump, Ezekiel (1v1 only tho but his damage hurts)
Veno - Tavarn, Aelana (hands down to you Feo)
Sin - None, they're all terrible and the class itself is dull and easy.
Psychic - Cynix, Daichi
Mystic - Frizzle, Swane, Erettra, Jishi
Seeker - Rance, Vermillion, Vindex
Faction: Outcasts and HangOver in pk, Outcasts and NoHomo when it comes to giving good tws.
Best GM: Brash, since she scammed my gear.
Darkest person ingame: totally Vimal
Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 12:41 am by Fab

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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  • You just jellified of my mad moves *boogies* \o)
BM - Insanity(Also the best goat trader in the east), Robbert, Silence
Sin - Gakido(He's also racist),
Darkest person ingame: Vimal(I'am not racist don't judge me)

 :normal-2: :normal-13: :normal-2:
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline Nipple♥

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  • Just don't.
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AND YOU SAID NOT A TROLL THREAD :normal-2: :normal-13: :normal-2:

Offline SaltySupreme

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Inb4 the lock.

Necro'd a thread that will start a heated argument later.
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.

Offline Tavern

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Well there's always gonna be best of threads once every few months. Posting all your inb4lock shit is only gonna get it locked sooner.

Offline KadeN/BornLegend

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Had to go through your posts to see who you are  :-[ thanks for considering me a good cleric, but it's hard to be good when a seeker like you is around  :normal-30: also, welcome back!
I know spankin you with them long sword turn's you on! Admit it!  ;)

Offline KadeN/BornLegend

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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL = Laughing out out out out out out out out out out out out out out out loud. This Robbert full BR  :shocked:

Offline SaltySupreme

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Well there's always gonna be best of threads once every few months. Posting all your inb4lock shit is only gonna get it locked sooner.

The sooner threads like this are locked, the better.
I'm only keeping this account open because of the memories I have on here, the good and the bad. I logged in just to change my account, and then I'm putting this dusty book back on the shelf.