Epic Perfect World


Do you think Gambling/Betting would be a good addition to EPW?

Yeah :D
17 (45.9%)
No -.-
20 (54.1%)

Total Members Voted: 32

Voting closed: May 18, 2013, 06:06 pm

!Rules! How wud u guys feel about betting/gambling EC? AKA DICING

Offline Dragon

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Okay so, i found this program, http://sourceforge.net/projects/dicerollerv20fo/?source=dlp (thats the link to it) that will let u roll dice in a skype chat. The dice can roll a 1-20. and i figured, we can make this into a kinda ingame gambling system with Coins and EC.

1. How it would work is u wud b added into a skype chat with the host (The person that will take ur bet and roll the   dice)

2. Then u wud place a bet ingame, for an example lets say u bet 2 EC (IF U WIN U WILL GET 4 BACK, this game is x2), so u trade the host ur EC

3. THEN go back to skypeand say either high or low. (High or low wud b the numbers u wud b guessing
Low Numbers wud b 1-9 (U win if it rolls a 1-9)
High Numbers wud b 12-20 (Win if it rolls a 12-20)

4. The next step in this process wud b the host rolling the dice. (If u downloaded the program the command needed to roll the dice is //d20)

5. Okay so the host enters the command to roll the dice, and this comes up

[2:55:42 PM] Paul Grünberg: just_zero28 rolled  1d20; result:
15   +0
Sum: 15 <--- that means the dice rolled a 15

6. In this case u wud have lost ur EC. But u can always play again.


For example, if this takes off i will make a faction. Most likely Call it H/L or something for high/low

I will then b the leader and b a trusted person to use for gambling, i will not take ur EC
Then lets say more ppl wanna come in and get in on Hosting (Rolling the dice, taking bets, paying out winners)
I wud then charge them EC to buy a rank, exe or marshal which wud mean they r more trusted (I mean lets b honest, if i charge someone 1k EC for marshal, du think they will rlly take off with ur 20 EC? Hell No. They r gunna want to make it back. It wont cost 1k EC for a rank at first...thats just a number...But this wud b my solution to people being scammed by gambling. Just dont trust anyone who doesnt have rank...

ANYWAYS Leave a comment on ur thoughts and how u think this wud do, PM me and maybe we can work some stuff out and bring gambling into EPW...Trust me ive done stuff like this b4...its fun...
If u want more info, PM me on Forums @Boobear or ingame @Regrets

After reading the concerns of people and scammers i decided to go into more detail about scamming and how to prevent it, well how to make it lower the rate.

There we go...everyone is expecting for someone to scam.


Okay if u pay 1k EC for a rank, then make that 1k EC back in like 2 hours AND SOME ON TOP OF THAT, would u rlly risk taking a 300 EC bet and lose ur rank? thats why u make ppl pay for rank, so when they make their EC back they will. Ofc they will do a 300 EC pay out if they know they will just make it bet easy?

Then ur like "Oh what if its a 2000 EC bet they will take that for sure" Thats when the leaders of the faction come into play, every host will Split up the Pot for instance 4 hosts, everyone pays up 500 EC if u lose, everyone gets 500 if u win)

There r definately ways to avoid scammers. Its just u have to b smart and not give ur bets to just any idiot with the programs.

Last Edit: Mar 30, 2013, 12:15 am by BooBear
When in doubt spark it out.
Risk it for the biscuit.
Too balls deep in bum rushing half the time to make it out alive

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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It's a nice idea, I see what you're getting at, but I see this as only being popular for maybe a couple of weeks. Mostly because I see no point in it. I like the idea of 1v1 bets better :o. I can't see that as becoming unpopular. Especially since the people that 1v1 are usually well known lol.
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline Dragon

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Its also easier too...in case ur bad at pvp, then the lower lvls who need EC for 140 gear and stuff...
When in doubt spark it out.
Risk it for the biscuit.
Too balls deep in bum rushing half the time to make it out alive

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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Idk what PvP has to do with going to farm pv o_o
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline Dragon

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Like i said....this is easier and faster...u can make 4-5 ec in 2 minutes as a sin...or u can make or lose 200 in seconds...its just called risking it for the biscuit. There r also ways u can use gambling to ur advantage and actually get pure profit....
1st bet - 2 EC (lose)
2nd - 4 EC (lose)
3rd - 8 EC (win)
ur up 2 EC, just start over again. the chances of losing 10 times in a row or small. oh so very small.
When in doubt spark it out.
Risk it for the biscuit.
Too balls deep in bum rushing half the time to make it out alive

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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Eh lol. It's your event. I've stated my opinion :P
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline Dragon

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Thanks for feedback ^^) also trying to just give more ppl reasons to try it xD

Some ppl like their hard earned Bills

Others like to risk it for the biscuit like i said earlier :P However u enjoy to play the game is ur choice  ^-^
When in doubt spark it out.
Risk it for the biscuit.
Too balls deep in bum rushing half the time to make it out alive

Offline Rikou

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Sounds too much like the gambling in Runescape. And the dicing ruined that game. I can see how it'd ruin the economy, and have lots of scamming involved. It's just how it is.
Rikou [Sin] 150
Solaris [EP] 150
Boss [Psy] 150
Fiero [Ma] 150
Draco [EA] 150
BlowMe [Seek] 13x


about rs ;p i say get gm to make item, flower of some sort (this is h/c in rs xD) with 6 different colors, 3 are hot (red,orange,yellow? ;3) and 3 cold (blue, white, something xD) and person picks h/c ;p  **total copy of rs xD*

Offline Dragon

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When in doubt spark it out.
Risk it for the biscuit.
Too balls deep in bum rushing half the time to make it out alive

Offline geriatrix

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Same thing Vegas and Atlanta use to rob people that like to gamble.
You always lose more than you win.

For example, you spend $30-40k on bets to (maybe) become "10,000 Dollars Big Happy Winner".
(And then spend that too on more bets. LOL)

I don't gamble.
"Don't think about winning every battle in your life.
Think only about winning the current one."

But reconsider price. You might decide to lose.

Offline Resolve

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this is not real life

We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself.


plus is even chance, isnt like 1/10 like rl

Offline ⁑Losergoddess⁑

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  • You just jellified of my mad moves *boogies* \o)
this is not real life

You're on epw server not RL Server D:<
Man you're the most awesome black person I've ever met. I wish I could be more like you. Plis teach me your ways. I too poor can't pay, but I promise to worship you.

Offline geriatrix

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this is not real life

Yes, but feelings of the one who loses are very real.
"Don't think about winning every battle in your life.
Think only about winning the current one."

But reconsider price. You might decide to lose.