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League of Legends Discussions

Offline 🔩Rull✌

  • Hang☆Over
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Can you make it somehow that random threads like this don't pop on homepage left panel?
I thought this is epic pw forums
Or perhaps you could use your ability to ignore things you have no interest on, and not comment on them. There is a reason why I made this thread on off-topic. 

Offline I̶c̶e̶N̶i̶k̶i̶

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i bet this guy low key plays league of legends  :normal-2:
hehehe funner you must be the "life" of the parties hehe

Offline Pain

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dont care lol lmao lol

Offline 🔩Rull✌

  • Hang☆Over
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i played last week.. and emm...Deleted an adc with syndra's ulti only.. there's the diff and what i say about meta, champs are 2 brokens, and others are just useless, Galio deals more dmg with a Q, than a lux with q + basic + e + basic... Game is based on metas, and u can't deny that... doesn't matter how many changes there will be, never will be balanced...
Any champion that has the amount of burst that Syndra has (Veigar, Viktor, Vladimir, Ahri, etc) will do that to an ADC, it's just what they do. ADC as you may be aware, are not supposed to be tanks. Mind you it's a case by case basis, maybe a smarter ADC would've used a spell shield if they were prepared.
Galio is a champion that has a lot of power early and mid game,  but typically falls off late game. Lux on the other hand is very useful through an entire game, especially if built right. However (comma), Galio IS currently strong and for what I have read on the boards,  will be addressed.
Games that come with PvP are never balanced. If there were such a thing as balance, then what fun would the game be?

Offline iota

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i played last week.. and emm...Deleted an adc with syndra's ulti only.. there's the diff and what i say about meta, champs are 2 brokens, and others are just useless, Galio deals more dmg with a Q, than a lux with q + basic + e + basic... Game is based on metas, and u can't deny that... doesn't matter how many changes there will be, never will be balanced...
ofc its not balanced, its a moba, some things are obviously gonna be stronger than others. also its not really that surprising that u one shot an adc with just ult as syndra, thats kinda what she does

Offline ArabeIIa

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retarded game only played by losers(Arabella)
You always think of me, awe

Offline ArabeIIa

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Gold III winning 7 rankeds, and reached platinum 5 in 2 days after that, game is just bored, same shit, :/

Game is based now in 2 things:

Meta rotations, and scripts, no more skills, doesnt matter how good u are, there will be a tank with 6k hp, 300 def, 0 dmg, but still dealing more dmg than an adc with 300 dmg.
Right, I think tanks need a rework to be honest. It's ridiculous.

Offline Insanity

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You always think of me, awe

Offline ArabeIIa

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Any champion that has the amount of burst that Syndra has (Veigar, Viktor, Vladimir, Ahri, etc) will do that to an ADC, it's just what they do. ADC as you may be aware, are not supposed to be tanks. Mind you it's a case by case basis, maybe a smarter ADC would've used a spell shield if they were prepared.
Galio is a champion that has a lot of power early and mid game,  but typically falls off late game. Lux on the other hand is very useful through an entire game, especially if built right. However (comma), Galio IS currently strong and for what I have read on the boards,  will be addressed.
Games that come with PvP are never balanced. If there were such a thing as balance, then what fun would the game be?
I actually thinked they nerfed Galio last patch, if I'm not mistaken. He was pretty OP. They nerfed Xayah's Q as well.

Offline Tyroth

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i bet this guy low key plays league of legends  :normal-2:

Offline ʙᴇʙᴇ

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ofc its not balanced, its a moba, some things are obviously gonna be stronger than others. also its not really that surprising that u one shot an adc with just ult as syndra, thats kinda what she does
idk how long u've been playing league, but when syndra released, she was known as one of the most skill spammer nuker, and that was her adventage, her low cd on the early game, and the low mana cost of her skills, she wasnt made to delete an adc with only an ulti, she just became stronger after many unnecessary buffs

Any champion that has the amount of burst that Syndra has (Veigar, Viktor, Vladimir, Ahri, etc) will do that to an ADC, it's just what they do. ADC as you may be aware, are not supposed to be tanks. Mind you it's a case by case basis, maybe a smarter ADC would've used a spell shield if they were prepared.
Galio is a champion that has a lot of power early and mid game,  but typically falls off late game. Lux on the other hand is very useful through an entire game, especially if built right. However (comma), Galio IS currently strong and for what I have read on the boards,  will be addressed.
Games that come with PvP are never balanced. If there were such a thing as balance, then what fun would the game be?
difference between Syndra and champs like vladimir and ahri, is that with ahri u need to kinda use a combo to delete an adc, not ur ulti only, same goes for vladimir, viktor, u really need items to delete someone with 1-2 skills... and veigar, well, his ulti and his passive makes him a nuker, but out of that, syndra is the only nuker who can delete someone,even if u have only 1 - 2 items...

I actually thinked they nerfed Galio last patch, if I'm not mistaken. He was pretty OP. They nerfed Xayah's Q as well.
he got nerfed, but still abusing, went mid Galio against a lux, and the guy ragequitted when he saw he just moved 50% of my hp with full combo( includes R) and i almost killed him with Q + E only.. and i only had a rod of ages as build... that's the point, when items like madred bloodrazors, and that old item i can't remember the name that nukers used to use got deleted from game ( and many others)... game just became a tank meta, look at the rankeds banns, who has the #1 win rate on the jungle atm?... they been deleting nukers/adc items, and they get items on the game like that new one that increases the 40% of ur hp when u activate it.. pls..

I can be all the things you told me not to be

♥ Dev

Offline RetiredGod

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idk how long u've been playing league, but when syndra released, she was known as one of the most skill spammer nuker, and that was her adventage, her low cd on the early game, and the low mana cost of her skills, she wasnt made to delete an adc with only an ulti, she just became stronger after many unnecessary buffs
difference between Syndra and champs like vladimir and ahri, is that with ahri u need to kinda use a combo to delete an adc, not ur ulti only, same goes for vladimir, viktor, u really need items to delete someone with 1-2 skills... and veigar, well, his ulti and his passive makes him a nuker, but out of that, syndra is the only nuker who can delete someone,even if u have only 1 - 2 items...
he got nerfed, but still abusing, went mid Galio against a lux, and the guy ragequitted when he saw he just moved 50% of my hp with full combo( includes R) and i almost killed him with Q + E only.. and i only had a rod of ages as build... that's the point, when items like madred bloodrazors, and that old item i can't remember the name that nukers used to use got deleted from game ( and many others)... game just became a tank meta, look at the rankeds banns, who has the #1 win rate on the jungle atm?... they been deleting nukers/adc items, and they get items on the game like that new one that increases the 40% of ur hp when u activate it.. pls..
je susi jef

Offline 🔩Rull✌

  • Hang☆Over
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idk how long u've been playing league, but when syndra released, she was known as one of the most skill spammer nuker, and that was her adventage, her low cd on the early game, and the low mana cost of her skills, she wasnt made to delete an adc with only an ulti, she just became stronger after many unnecessary buffs
difference between Syndra and champs like vladimir and ahri, is that with ahri u need to kinda use a combo to delete an adc, not ur ulti only, same goes for vladimir, viktor, u really need items to delete someone with 1-2 skills... and veigar, well, his ulti and his passive makes him a nuker, but out of that, syndra is the only nuker who can delete someone,even if u have only 1 - 2 items...
he got nerfed, but still abusing, went mid Galio against a lux, and the guy ragequitted when he saw he just moved 50% of my hp with full combo( includes R) and i almost killed him with Q + E only.. and i only had a rod of ages as build... that's the point, when items like madred bloodrazors, and that old item i can't remember the name that nukers used to use got deleted from game ( and many others)... game just became a tank meta, look at the rankeds banns, who has the #1 win rate on the jungle atm?... they been deleting nukers/adc items, and they get items on the game like that new one that increases the 40% of ur hp when u activate it.. pls..
In contrast to her being a powerhouse, she has a lack of mobility and escapes, which is what makes her different from Veigar, Ahri, Vlad, etc. All of them have area stuns (Veigar/Viktor), inabilities to being targetted (Vlad) or dashes (Ahri), whilst what does Syndra have? A short duration, small range knockback. A Syndra is very suscesptible to gangs because she simply cannot avoid them. She's also a 1-at-a-time blaster, much like Ryze (on occassions).
It's simple. Tanks > Casters>Adc>Tanks
This is why we have things like assassins, or [good] jugglers to make sure dangerous champions like Syndra do not pose a threat.
Galio is a counter pick for Lux because of her lack of mobility,  because of his high mobility and wide range of attacks. While I do understand where that person's frustration might have come from, your friend should realize that Galio has just as many strengths (i.e against Lux) as he has weaknesses  (i.e Heimerdinger, Malzahar, etc).

Offline 🔩Rull✌

  • Hang☆Over
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Right, I think tanks need a rework to be honest. It's ridiculous.
The R word is taboo. Are you ok?