Epic Perfect World


Offline xXAchieveXx

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When SB/DB came out a few joined server to play, since then most have quit and old players have quit. For a "well balanced server" why is it SB can deal 46k on a sin 22% RMDT, 93def levels with 34k Magic res. And on my DB I rebuffed a barb end game gear used dragon tap took wep off and 5.0 fists got 3hits in instead of 1 dealing extra damage, 10k crib no wep
And why did all classes but db/sb get nerfed so Skillsend could be applied which only works for ARCHER ONLY, and maybe wizard, And I won't get into db locks domgarth did that. So my question is when will you stuff giving everything to ea and nerf sb/db, and get the "balanced" part of the server back -.-

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And why did all classes but db/sb get nerfed so Skillsend could be applied which only works for ARCHER ONLY, and maybe wizard,