Epic Perfect World

Star Chart and Heaven Temple Problems

Offline Ethalithiel

  • D' Seeker who Seeks Food
  • Teach me how to one hit :P
  • Characters: Ethalithiel, Ethanialithiel(EvilTouch's Request)
  • Faction: Aftermath
So many people are asking me, Have you experienced this bug at Heaven Temple? How you solve it? Whats the difference of Horoscope and Stargazing? What stats are good for my class?

So here are some possible solutions and answers to it.

1. Bugs at Heaven Temple Solutions
-Try to relog your character (best solution)

-Exit Heaven Temple

2. Difference of Horoscope and Stargazing

Lets Define them first

 Horoscope is how you will be rerolling your attributes. This changes the attribute type, and attribute position. (From Echo's Guide)
Stargazing does one thing, which is change the position of your attributes. Your attributes will remain intact, unlike when using Horoscope.
(From Echo's Guide)

So in simple words Horoscope is like FORGING you R8 Stats while Stargazing is HONING your R8 Stats

Hope this helps :)   :D :D :D :D :D