Epic Perfect World

Poll Disabel SOG

Offline Nea

  • Game Master
  • https://imgur.com/a/vsZDCYv
Remove ares
Make new way for new ppl to gear up (pvp wise)
Add on panel.epicpw.com something like voting system that sends once/week on ip if u do , on one account, one toon u pick a key
With that key u gotta go game, the key has a timer or 24h
U go at some npc
U use key to get in an instance that only u can enter, squad wont work
Here u get bosses with difficulty similar to the boss from 2-3
Fully buffed, new ppl , will be able to kill it aswell
After killing like idk put 10 of them
Player receives an amount of damas, memorial coins , shields ALL UNTRADEBLE so the player can reshape gears
This will make new ppl without 48382727alts be able to get gears too
Wont be best -86ea but will be something to pk with
Server lacks new geared people for pk reason why pk also went down
Just give new players a chance
Alot of qq and sht for this but pk is slowly decreasing
Gap between new players and geared people gets bigger and bigger
Last Edit: Feb 28, 2016, 08:16 am by Seby


Remove Solid Shield

Offline Ormin

  • Member
People here have two options:
Play game as is, or
Imagine how would they like to play it.
"I already planned in my head how the fight will go,
but my opponent didn't play as I wanted him to.
Let's disable the skill he used to break my plan."
Disabling SoG would automatically pull
disabling Expel from Genies.
Maybe today you still don't know how to
counterpart something. Tomorrow you will
discover the way, I promise.
Then everyone will do it, and someone will
want it nerfed.
Just carry a lot of Guardian Scrolls and carry on...

I disagree with the topic request.

For example, imagine SoG as PT AoE skill.
And imagine in mass PK being just a final blow away from
killing someone when your cleric cast SoG.