Epic Perfect World

Destroying Tyrants- Outcasts vs Tyrants| Dragon Temple and PvP

Offline PedroSner

  • #TeamSner
  • Disbanded Tyrants, Siege, Savagery ,Hangover, AG, AE, Cardinals,and made them RQ to a diff server
  • Characters: PedroSner/ Sner
  • Faction: Artifex Leader
That's why you were looking attention from me in this topic earlier?
Pointing out your hypocrisy  isn't looking for attention. Not that i'm expecting you to know the difference but still.
Disbanded Tyrants, Siege, Savagery ,Hangover, AG, AE, Cardinals,and made them RQ to a diff server. After that went to that server disbanded them there and disbanded that server aswell.

Offline ℬʋttɦҿαɗ

  • Hang☆Over
  • Characters: Butthead
Pointing out your hypocrisy  isn't looking for attention. Not that i'm expecting you to know the difference but still.

Yes saying don't bark, it was outnumbered fight is hypocrisy, stop using that word like Zirkon lol
pitsid, saun, jupid, triibud
kingikotis katkine viiul


Offline Nyx

  • Support Member
  • ⚜Ivory was here⚜ #Chocolateisbest
Ran out of popcorn so..