Epic Perfect World

Rank 8 ultimatum

Offline Goz

  • Member
nowadays if u say 3k damascenes doesnt even mean a lot since u can get what 1k of them a week at morai with ares?
events and bosses can get u atleast 200 damas a day too
if u do trades and such in 3 weeks u can get urself 1 piece with a 100% chance which is stupid
some people have a life so not all of us can get such amounts of damas i understand you can't fathom something like that but it actually is so
Kinguin no chance my friend - PashaBiceps

Offline Nea

  • Game Master
  • https://imgur.com/a/vsZDCYv
some people have a life so not all of us can get such amounts of damas i understand you can't fathom something like that but it actually is so
i know a lot of people in epw farming 0 and yet having a sht load of ec, spending 1h in game...
anyway the suggestion isnt gonna get applied anyway , idk why i even try :police:

Offline Goz

  • Member
i know a lot of people in epw farming 0 and yet having a sht load of ec, spending 1h in game...
anyway the suggestion isnt gonna get applied anyway , idk why i even try :police:
you seem to think this game is worth donating into anymore, sorry
Kinguin no chance my friend - PashaBiceps

Offline Persas

  • Do You Even Lift
  • Nobody Outworks Me
  • Characters: Aesthetic
  • Faction: Artifex
Lol i fak you