Epic Perfect World


Offline Shimmer

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I suggest that you make it so that more than 1 account can vote per IP.  It's pretty annoying that since me and my bf live together, only 1 of us can vote and therefor it takes us twice as long to be able to get anything.  Can you please fix this very important problem?

*Shimmer ~ Alysra ~ Sunara*

Offline Slash

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As sorry as I am to tell you this, this wouldn't be allowed. Because then a player would be able to make i.e. 5 accounts, and vote twice on each account resulting in the player getting 6 gold every 6 hours. See the problem?
~First you have to give up, first you have to know, not fear, know that one day you're going to die. It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.~

Offline Nads

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my only problem with the voting is sometimes i have to keep changing the capsha's, they are very hard to see when you have a blind spot in your vision

Offline Shimmer

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Well they could change it to a reasonable amount...like 2 or 3 accounts per IP, it's a very screwed up system and is quite unfair.

*Shimmer ~ Alysra ~ Sunara*

Offline Slash

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Believe me I understand why you're upset with this.. But take in account to what I said, it would get out of control and ruin the economy.
~First you have to give up, first you have to know, not fear, know that one day you're going to die. It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.~


So would you prefer to have you and your boyfriend vote once each, but people who live alone can vote twice? Or would you end up not liking that too?

It can't work both ways.

Offline Ninja

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We can put in a system when you can only vote once per account every 6 hours, but people with multiple accounts would make way too much.

The question is are you happy to get half as much voting as other players, so both of you can vote?

You could each vote on 1 site? It would have the same effect.

We are always looking for ways to make it work, but it is difficult.

Thanks Syringe for the pic & JuJuBeez for the awesome sig!

Offline Yvaine

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I think she already made it clear.
If her suggestion was to be implemented she wants it to be at a reasonable amount
such as 3 accounts per I.P. (I see 2 is enough though) like in PWV.

Nevertheless, I agree. Besides not all of us can vote 4x a day sometimes I can't even do 3 votes.

Offline Shimmer

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Yeah...maybe try making it 2 accounts per IP address and see how that goes? =o  I think that would be pretty fair either way.

*Shimmer ~ Alysra ~ Sunara*

Offline Skylight

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2 people voting same Ip = 2/4 votes counted to the actual site. Thats just giving away free cubi + allowing players that are one IP and one person to get 3~4 gold per vote

Not a very good idea.

Offline Flocka

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Lmao, we're already getting spoon-fed as it is. Look at all the stuff we get other servers don't. It's already more than enough that we don't need cubis to be raised. We had that before with the 15 cubis. Mosdef won't come back again.
Blueberry crossed with White Widow. Covered head to toe in crystals and hairs, and smells very strongly like a freshly baked blueberry muffin (with a hint of skunk :smiley: ). Definitely in the top 5 smokes I've ever had, a bong rip or two will have even the most seasoned toker feel like he's on Mars.

Offline Shimmer

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So instead screw over people who live together for no reason other than greed...yeah, ok.

*Shimmer ~ Alysra ~ Sunara*

Offline xgemini

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If one of you has a smartphone you can use that to vote.  That's the solution my husband and I use.


So instead screw over people who live together for no reason other than greed...yeah, ok.

Its not greed, its the simple fact that if 2 accounts per IP were allowed, people who live together would then complain about how everyone else gets x2 the gold while they only get the normal gold.

Like gemini said, use a smartphone if you have it.

Offline Shimmer

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No, it's greed...if the votes counted, they would do it.  And no, I'm not about to go buy some ridiculous phone just to be able to get geared up and everything at a decent rate.  It's not exactly nice to have to take months to get what others can get in a couple weeks at most.

*Shimmer ~ Alysra ~ Sunara*