Epic Perfect World


Offline pronoob

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Done a quick search and couldnt find this suggested before so ill throw it out there, dont know if its possible or not but it would really usefull if tomes of the same type stacked when u craft them, making the level 6 tomes is very frustrating, having them stack would make it alot simpler and easier  :)

Offline Epica

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what i suggested was for agatio to put the lv6 tome availuable to craft if u put the whole pages and tome fragments needed, so pl wouldnt need to make 1 by 1 till lv6. he said he would look into it but i think some other stuff came first ;)

Offline pronoob

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what i suggested was for agatio to put the lv6 tome availuable to craft if u put the whole pages and tome fragments needed, so pl wouldnt need to make 1 by 1 till lv6. he said he would look into it but i think some other stuff came first ;)

That would work too, which ever is easier for agatio to implement i guess.