Epic Perfect World

Solo Sin in PV

I am a demonic sin lvl 148 and i would like to know how can i solo PV, what items should i buy, what genie skills will be useful and how many pulls should i do and anything else what would help me solo it

Offline Mάx

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you will solo pv with demonic gears.!
lure branches of mobs like part by part, use mire (genie skill) and aoe
Last Edit: Apr 21, 2014, 01:46 am by Salim
ty, do i get more xp if i do it solo, or in squad of 4?

Offline Mάx

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Offline Balnazar

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Umh as a sin if you solo, just do small pulls. Make sure you have chill of the deep turned on (helps with the AOEs). Use "Tangling Mire" (genie skill) -> Subsea -> Rift! Most mobs will die if you have your demonic gear. And use deaden nerves and focused mind whenever you can. Don't pull too much, don't pull too less.
Agatio, EvilTouch, Alexypk, Magestic, Chocolate, Dream and Suns were all slain by Balnazar. Keeping scores?

Offline Chawlie

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I've leveled several farming sins (I'm no-life-pve-masta aw ._.) and found this is the best strategy for solo'ing pv w/ a sin in 4 - 6 pulls.

Get full 3 sparks and make sure you're buffed with BP and Chill of the Deep. Focused mind and Deaden Nerves when possible.

Gather a decent amount of mobs, doing your best to avoid the mannequins, and execute the following combo

>>>   Earthen Rift > Triple spark > Inner Harmony > Tangling Mire > Subsea Strike > Earthen Rift

The majority of the mobs should be dead after this, and whatever's left over should be easily tankable while you pick them off.

These mobs are very rude and like to interrupt a lot, so keep Absolute Domain or Sutra handy in case they cancel you so much you can't bump your hp back up with the next attack between charm ticks.
Make sure Inner Harmony is cooled down before gathering the next group, as it's vital to the combo. Don't use Shadow Escape to get chi, you may need it to save your life from a fail pull.

Kill pesky mannequins blocking your next pull, and use Dragon Strike and Tackling Slash to get your sparks back.

I really want to stress avoiding the mannequins as much as possible in your pulls. They are the cause of the majority of deaths. When in doubt Shadow Escape and re-gather if you've picked up more than one or two during your pull.

Offline Echooo♧

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Best way is use dph get full chi 3 or 2 spark,mire, both aoe, if still any noobs alive run run and aoe more.

Offline Nea

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Sin, wr with bp, seeker with bp, only classes that need nothing else than bloodpaint to solo pv
Sin : Rush inside till middle room, lure half of mobs, 3spark inner harmony subsea earthen rift
the damage u deal will give u enough hp
this is all u have to do..
If the mobs aren't dead yet, just use toxic torrent(aeu skill, you can buy it for 200-300 ec) and done.
Genie skills, are the basics , faith, holypath, ad , top, tangling mire, fortify(fortify then IG ) windshield(for boss) and so on.. depends on what u want

Offline Shirai

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in squad mode as usual,

I dont get why people think that doing PV in a squad of 4 gives MORE exp. It can be faster but there no such a thing as a "bonus".
Since I've been PVing for my low level characters, I was really suprised in watching people wanting to go in PV with a squad of 4 instead of duoing, telling me that "it gives more exp".
Asked a GM, and the answer was obviously negative.
Pls GN remov pshy it are to strong im cant kill it
all time seal
they is always go wait vodo wen i spark and noob phys immunity
pls remov

Offline Danidv

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My combo (sage sin):

3 spark>Earthen Rift>Inner Harmony>Subsea Strike>Earthen Rift again

For genie skills i didn't use Tangling mire much cuz of the lag, so i used Absolute Domain when i fk'd up and Holy Path for pulling.

For protective skills i used Focused Mind and Deaden Nerves.

Offline Mάx

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My suggest if you go solo pv +135 in 1hour you will do only 4-5 runs and if you go squad thn 6-8 easily(if not fail runs).
and you never bored :P

Offline Mάx

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Or want soloing then...
get buff and full your 3 spark before open it

1. lure mobs center of the 2 valley in pv use earthn rift -3 spark-inner harmony -subesa strike-tangling mire-again rift
2. lure both of valley's mobs thn same skills
3. now lure end of the boss and same skills

genie skills-holy path, AD,mire, tree of production, wind shield enough for that :)

Offline Shirai

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My suggest if you go solo pv +135 in 1hour you will do only 4-5 runs and if you go squad thn 6-8 easily(if not fail runs).
and you never bored :P
You actually answered to the question "do i get more exp solo, or in a squad of 4?" saying "squad of 4 as usual".
I'd like to know where u heard this was true. o:
Stop blowing up people's minds. c:
Pls GN remov pshy it are to strong im cant kill it
all time seal
they is always go wait vodo wen i spark and noob phys immunity
pls remov

Offline Arekkusu

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You actually answered to the question "do i get more exp solo, or in a squad of 4?" saying "squad of 4 as usual".
I'd like to know where u heard this was true. o:
Stop blowing up people's minds. c:

I've actually wondered this myself. I have done a lot of PV runs, both solo and in squads of 4. Yeah the squad runs are faster, but that doesn't mean you get more exp per run. I've actually found that doing a solo run gives better exp per run. The downfall is that it can take longer (depending on class). Still, I'd like to know where this idea originated, and the proof that squads of 4 give more exp than solo or duo. Because I've never noticed it.